Main Page
Welcome! DLF's wiki was created in 2014 for our various interest groups and affiliated organizations to share information, best practices, and community notes. (See the main Digital Library Federation website for info on DLF programs, fellowships, publications, and events.)
This wiki is also the home of our DLF Organizers' Toolkit!
DLF Organizers' Toolkit
Hosted/Sponsored Groups and Projects
- National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA)
- DLF eResearch Network
- OpenLab Workshop 2015
- annual AMIA-DLF Hack Days (2013-present)
- annual Endangered Data Week
DLF Working Groups
Not all DLF groups maintain wiki pages. Find more activity here.

- DLF Working Group on Labor in Digital Libraries
- DLF Government Records Transparency & Accountability Interest Group
- DLF Assessment Interest Group (AIG)
- AIG Cost Assessment Group (home of the DLF Digitization Cost Calculator)
- AIG Cultural Assessment Group
- AIG Metadata Assessment Group
- AIG User Studies Group
- DLF Digital Library Pedagogy Group (aka #DLFteach)
- DLF Project Managers Group (PMG)
- DLF Metadata Support Group (MSG)
- DLF Working Group on Privacy and Ethics in Technology (formerly known as Technologies of Surveillance)
- DLF Digital Scholarship Working Group
- DLF Committee for Equity and Inclusion
- DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group
- DLF Digital Accessibility Group (DAWG)
- DLF Museums Cohort
- DLF Technology Strategy for Archives Working Group (TS4A)
Digitization and CLIR Hidden Collections Resources
These resources will be of particular interest to grant applicants for CLIR's Hidden Collections and Recordings at Risk programs and to anyone planning a digitization project.
- DLF Digitization Cost Calculator
- Digitizing Special Formats (resource library)
- Strategies for Advancing Hidden Collections free webinars and helpful guides
- Hidden Collections Applicant Toolkit videos created by DLF
Need help?
Contact Team DLF or email info(at) to have editing privileges enabled or to ask for help at any time!
- Editing syntax, etc: MediaWiki User's Guide
- MediaWiki FAQ