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== Statement of Purpose ==

== Content Working Group ==
The Content [[NDSA:Terms#Working_Group|Working Group]] will focus on identifying content already preserved, investigating guidelines for the selection of significant content, discovery of at-risk digital content or collections, and matching orphan content with NDSA partners who will acquire the content, preserve it, and provide access to it.

Content Working Group Charter
== How to Get Involved ==
Contact [[NDSA:Terms#Working_Group_Co-Chairs|co-chairs]] Maureen Harlow (mmharlow@pbs.org) and Lauren Work (lw2cd@eservices.virginia.edu) to join the working group or to learn more about how to get involved.

'''A few ways to learn more and get involved:'''

NDSA Working Group Scope Statement
*Read this wiki - review the scope of work and information about the Content Teams, to get started
Content [DRAFT]
*Check out our public page: http://ndsa.diglib.org/working-groups/content/
*Join our meetings (details below)
*Sign up to do one of our [[NDSA:Member Presentations]]
*Offer to help take meeting minutes (truly appreciated!)
*Join one of our [[NDSA:content teams]]
*Help with small or large tasks to accomplish Content Team goals
*Chat with your fellow members via the listserv - ask questions, tell us about your projects, introduce yourself!
*Have an idea for a project or activity? Action teams may also be formed outside of (or within) the Content Teams, to perform specific tasks or accomplish goals. Start one up!
*Get your co-workers involved - if there are others in your organization that you'd like to get more involved, contact Abbie to get them signed up.

And finally, 
*Don't be afraid to change Working Groups. If Content isn't a good fit, and you're more interested in [[NDSA:Infrastructure Working Group|Infrastructure]], [[NDSA:Innovation Working Group|Innovation]], [[NDSA:Outreach Working Group|Outreach]], or [[NDSA:Standards and Best Practices Working Group|Standards]] after all, our feelings won't be hurt. We realize that as the work evolves, new members may find themselves in the "wrong" group. Contact your co-chairs if you have questions about switching working groups.

Statement of Purpose
== Scope of Work ==

The Content Working Group is developing case studies and models to share compelling stories that demonstrate the value of digital preservation in our communities. The case studies will be shared with all stakeholders, from content producers to cultural heritage organizations, with goals of:

The Content Working Group will focus on identifying content already preserved, investigating guidelines for the selection of significant content, discovery of at-risk digital content or collections, and matching orphan content with NDSA partners who will acquire the content, preserve it, and provide access to it.
*engaging all members of the community in the preservation of content,  

*encouraging the cultivation of relationships that could enable preservation, and,

*in conjunction with other working groups in the NDSA, identifying actionable next steps to ensure important content is preserved.

The group will work and collaborate using the following tools and mechanisms:
An earlier version of our [[NDSA:scope of work]] is available here.
• Listserv
• Regular conference calls/Webex
• Wiki
• IdeaScale

===Current Activities and Initiatives===
==== 2015 Planning ====
Presentation topics and project ideas
*Working with Content Creators
**Refer to CWG [[NDSA:Meeting Minutes 9/3/14]] and [[NDSA:Meeting minutes 10/1/14]]
*[http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/documents/2015NationalAgenda.pdf 2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship] (taken from "Actionable Recommendations")
**Section 2.1 Overarching Issues with Digital Content
***Develop content scans in each area of interest to the community that identify important collections and the efforts to ensure durable access to them
***Continue to build systematic longitudinal evidence on the practice and context of preservation
***Extend systematic surveys and scans on organizational capacity and preservation storage practices to guide selection
**Section 2.2.2 Connection to Creator Community
***Support the ongoing evaluation of digital collections and their impacts
****'''Project idea: 2015 Web Archiving Survey?''' (following on 2011 and 2013 surveys)
***Communicate and coordinate collection priority statements at national, regional, and institutional levels
****'''Project idea: Create template? Develop survey?  How might the CWG support this?'''
***Explore privacy issues in born-digital collecting
****'''Suggested Speaker: Jean E. Dryden, who  teaches Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) course on this topic'''
***Develop further understanding and proficiency in the tools researchers want to interact with digital collections
***Connect with the communities across commercial, nonprofit, private, and public sectors that create digital content to leverage their incentives to preserve
****'''Suggested Speaker: More from [http://rjionline.org/events/memoryhole Dodging the Memory Hole: Saving Born-digital News Content] and [http://educopia.org/events/dmh Dodging the Memory Hole II: An Action Assembly]'''
**Section 2.3 Content-Specific Challenges
***2.3.1 Scientific Data Sets
****CWG Project Ideas
****Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
*****'''Virginia Commonwealth University data manager'''
*****'''GIS data'''
*****'''Workflows for ongoing collection of scientific data and software/code to preserve in institutional repositories'''

***2.3.2 Web and Social Media
****CWG Project Ideas
*****'''Guidance for web site creators''' (a one-page guidance document for creators is in the works)
*****'''Content Case study on web archiving rapidly changing events'''
****Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
*****'''Martin Klein, UCLA, on collecting social media around the Arab Spring, including from researchers who captured content'''
*****'''Ben Welsh on extending the functionality of Story Tracker (looking for input from web archive community)'''
*****'''[http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/ Memento project]'''

Participation in the Content Working Group is restricted to NDSA member organizations. Contact co-chairs Cathy Hartman and Abbie Grotke to join the working group.  
***2.3.3 Software Preservation
****CWG Project Ideas
****Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
*****'''Speaker from Society of American Archivists 2014 session on [http://archives2014.sched.org/event/574e45dcc74762fc7e6c6e6d871d2ef3#.VQAmM1X3-iw software preservation networks]'''
*****'''Matthew Kirschenbaum, MITH (on new Track Changes book?)'''
*****'''Review [http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/meetings/preservingsoftware2013.html Preserving.exe: Toward a National Strategy for Preserving Software]

Participants in the working group will engage in the activities of the working group by a number of mechanisms:
***2.3.4 Moving Image and Recorded Sound
• Regularly attend and participate in Webex meetings, conference calls and other in-person meetings as scheduling permits.
****CWG Project Ideas
• Provide feedback as needed via the communication tools available to the Working Group in developing the scope of work and on specific defined Working Group activities.
• Participate in Action Teams, which may be created around specific tasks. These Action Teams may be self organized by members of the working group and may include non-NDSA members as the work requires. Non-NDSA members will not be participants in the Working Group but may contribute to the activities of any Action Team. Action Teams will update the Working Group about their accomplishments and progress.
****Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
***2.3.5 Electronic Records (of businesses, organizations, and government)
****CWG Project Ideas
****Planned Speakers, April 1, 2015
*****'''Glen McAninch, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives'''
*****'''Kevin De Vorsey, National Archives and Records Administration'''

*[[NDSA:Web Archiving Survey]]
**support collaborative web archiving projects
**policy development for archiving social media

Current Scope of Work
*[[NDSA:Content Case Studies]]

*Other suggestions/ideas
**'''"Older-data-rescue" outreach'''
**'''Furthering work to understand stakeholders (creative and visual artists mentioned specifically)'''
**'''Cross Content Team projects related to born-digital news preservation'''

The Content Working Group’s current scope of work is to:
*Content Interview Series
**See previous posts at http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/category/content-matters-interview/

A) Develop or contribute to a registry of content already preserved by NDSA members.
*Other suggestions/ideas
**'''Continue/Restart member presentations'''

B) Develop a clearinghouse that will enable a variety of stakeholders (content producers, archives and libraries and other potential preservationists) to:
==== Content Teams ====
• Determine what specific types of content or collections are at risk.
• Identify at-risk content or collections for preservation.
• Match orphan collections with appropriate trusted partner for access and preservation.

Current Membership
Content Working Group [[NDSA:content teams]] have been formed around various content areas to better organize our large working group. By motivating smaller teams to work together on projects of interest to them, we hope to accomplish more and raise awareness about the risk and value of digital content. Ideally everyone in the content WG will sign up for at least one that fits their organizations content area of interest. Read more [[NDSA:About the Content Teams]] here.

NOTE: The content teams have their own meeting schedules; please contact the facilitators for each group to learn more about meeting times.

*[[NDSA:Big Picture Group]]
*[[NDSA:Government Content Team]]
*[[NDSA:News, Media, and Journalism]]
*[[NDSA:Science, Mathematics, Technology and Medicine]]
*[[NDSA:Social Sciences]]
*[[NDSA:Cultural Heritage]] -- as of June 2013, merged [[NDSA:Arts & Humanities]] with this group.

Alaska State Library - Daniel Cornwall - daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV
====[[NDSA:Content Case Studies]]====

Alaska State Library - Glenn Cook - glenn.cook@ALASKA.GOV
The Content Teams of the Content Working Group will develop case studies around a variety of types of content to share compelling stories that demonstrate the value of digital preservation in our communities.  
Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records - Pete Watters - pwatters@LIB.AZ.US 
BMS Chace - John Spencer - jspencer@BMSCHACE.COM

California Digital Library - Patricia Cruse - patricia.cruse@UCOP.EDU
'''Quick links to Case Studies in Development'''

California State Library - Kris Ogilvie - kogilvie@LIBRARY.CA.GOV
*[[NDSA:Community and Hyperlocal News]](draft)
**FINAL VERSION: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/working_groups/documents/NDSA_CaseStudy_CommunityNews.pdf
Division of Libraries and Information Services, Florida Department of State - Jody Norman - jnorman@DOS.STATE.FL.US
*[[NDSA:Citizen Journalism]](draft)
**FINAL VERSION: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/working_groups/documents/NDSA_CaseStudy_CitizenJournalism.pdf
*[[NDSA:Digital E-Prints of Newspapers]](draft)
**FINAL VERSION: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/working_groups/documents/NDSA_CaseStudy_NewspaperEPrints.pdf
*Science, Medicine, Math, and Technology Blogs [[NDSA:Draft Case Study]]
**FINAL VERSION: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/working_groups/documents/ScienceBlogs_CaseStudy_public_v2.pdf
*[[NDSA:Science Forums Case Study]]
**FINAL VERSION: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/working_groups/documents/ScienceForums_CaseStudy_public_v2.pdf

Harvard University - Micah Altman - micah_altman@HARVARD.EDU
Others in progress: The Government team is working on a case study on land records, including Maryland land records and geospacial records, with a focus on issues of cooperation between local and state people and groups. Anne Harrison from FEDLINK is also working on a case study on trying to preserve history of legislation: hearings, publications, etc. A description of this content and needs will be drafted in case study format.

Idaho Historical Society - Elizabeth Falk - elizabeth.falk@ISHS.IDAHO.GOV,
====Content Interview Series====
Working Groups members are interviewing and being interviewed for the Signal Blog [[NDSA:Content Interview Series]]. If you are interested in participating, contact Abbie abgr@loc.gov.

Internet Archive - Kris Carpenter - kcarpenter@ARCHIVE.ORG
====Member Presentations====
We want to learn more about you! Sign up on our [[NDSA:Member Presentations]] page to present about your organization, what content you are preserving, and your challenges and success stories.  

Internet Archive - Kristine Hanna - kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG
====2013 [[NDSA:Web Archiving Survey]]====
A survey of Web Archiving organizations in the U.S. was open through November 30, 2013 and analysis is now under way. More information is at [[NDSA:Web Archiving Survey]].

Ithaka - Eileen Fenton - eileen.fenton@ITHAKA.ORG
===Prior Activities===
For more information about prior activities undertaken by the CWG, visit our [[NDSA:Prior Activities]] page.

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives - Barbara Teague -barbara.teague@KY.GOV
== Meeting Schedule and Minutes ==

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives – Glen McAninch - Glen.McAninch@ky.gov
'''See our new CWG [[NDSA:Calendar]]! Add upcoming events or sign up to give one of our brief [[NDSA:Member Presentations]].'''
*4/6/2016: Focus on Social Media Preservation, with guest speakers Sara Day Thomson and Bergis Jules. Audio available now! [https://www.uberconference.com/getmp3/AMIfv96KPzEMGhAVB8SPgIDXVx5viYykf4Sl2iDwWTrOCx_DDVJRvNqvZEZYNzymCH_21tPzFaaYCtgrvZhAuWSEFJF9mZ0J2pkNCho4XOmdkN9ux6UznUtNVg1zdQVX1fux836m_VtpknwiWdUUE6SAYzP0IkS2Iw.mp3 '''Listen online here'''.]

Library of Congress - Abbey Potter - abpo@LOC.GOV
*6/1/2016: Content Working Group monthly call. [https://www.uberconference.com/getmp3/AMIfv97RPxxecEDxrjsPTW3uGpTj_WhFa1YJ9-P_EFSO6wcqo66yvcbDeMZCw8HjtqWktEt1I3gfCdm8dTKi_hHa3I5jeQ3wRveWpgEh5bcsomQyDRFtmyd6EP7CVUUA0NU3L_DWpDNdop3Gcb7GTLfkDH_NLybNOA.mp3'''Listen online here'''.]
Library of Congress - Abbie Grotke - abgr@LOC.GOV

Library of Congress - Martha Anderson - mande@LOC.GOV

Library of Congress – Trevor Owens – trow@loc.gov
[[NDSA:Prior CWG Meetings]] (2010-2013)

Library of Congress/NDIIPP – Abby Smith Rumsey – abby@arumsey.com

Maryland State Archives - Kevin Swanson - kevins@MDARCHIVES.STATE.MD.US
The group will work and collaborate using the following tools and mechanisms:
*Listserv: visit [http://lists.clir.org/scripts/wa-CLIR.exe?SUBED1=NDSA-CONTENT&X=3A97C39D370C9B11DA&Y this page] to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Maryland State Archives - Timothy D. Baker - timb@MDSA.NET
*Regular conference calls: see meetings section above.
*Annual conference
MetaArchive Alliance - Martin Halbert - martin.halbert@UNT.EDU
*Wiki: you're here!
Minnesota Historical Society - Robert Horton - robert.horton@MNHS.ORG
Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes - Michele Timmons - michele.timmons@REVISOR.MN.GOV
New York University - Michael Stoller - Michael.stoller@NYU.EDU
Oregon State Library - Arlene Weible - arlene.weible@STATE.OR.US
Roper Center - Mark Abrahamson - m.abrahamson@COX.NET
SCOLA - Deborah Rossum - drossum@SCOLA.ORG
University of Connecticut - Lois Timms-Ferrara - lois.timmsferrara@UCONN.EDU
University of Connecticut - Marc Maynard - marc.maynard@UCONN.EDU
University of Louisville - Rachel Howard - rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU
University of Maryland - Jennie Knies levjen@UMD.EDU   
University of Maryland – Patricia Steele  pasteele@umd.edu
University of Maryland - Mathew Kirschenbaum - mkirschenbaum@GMAIL.COM
University of Maryland - Mike Smorul  -  toaster@umiacs.umd.edu
University of Maryland - Joseph JaJa  josephj@UMD.EDU
University of Michigan – Data-PASS - Amy Pienta (apienta@umich.edu) and John Weise - jweise@UMICH.EDU 
University of North Carolina - Gary Marchionini - gary@ILS.UNC.EDU
University of North Carolina - Johnathan Crabtree - jonathan_crabtree@UNC.EDU
University of North Texas - Cathy Hartman - cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU
WGHB - Karen Cariani - karen_cariani@WGBH.ORG
Wisconsin Department of Administration - Curtis Pulford - curtis.pulford@WISCONSIN.GOV
Current Meeting Schedule
The initial meetings of the Working Group were held:
November 5, 2010 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
December 8, 2010 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
In 2011, regular Webex meetings will be from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET the first Wednesday of each month:
January 5, 2011
February 2, 2011
March 2, 2011
April 6, 2011
May 4, 2011
June 1, 2011
July 7, 2011
August 3, 2011
September 7, 2011
October 5, 2011
November 2, 2011
December 7, 2011
Webex instructions will be sent prior to each meeting.

Latest revision as of 17:51, 29 November 2016

Statement of Purpose

The Content Working Group will focus on identifying content already preserved, investigating guidelines for the selection of significant content, discovery of at-risk digital content or collections, and matching orphan content with NDSA partners who will acquire the content, preserve it, and provide access to it.

How to Get Involved

Contact co-chairs Maureen Harlow (mmharlow@pbs.org) and Lauren Work (lw2cd@eservices.virginia.edu) to join the working group or to learn more about how to get involved.

A few ways to learn more and get involved:

  • Read this wiki - review the scope of work and information about the Content Teams, to get started
  • Check out our public page: http://ndsa.diglib.org/working-groups/content/
  • Join our meetings (details below)
  • Sign up to do one of our NDSA:Member Presentations
  • Offer to help take meeting minutes (truly appreciated!)
  • Join one of our NDSA:content teams
  • Help with small or large tasks to accomplish Content Team goals
  • Chat with your fellow members via the listserv - ask questions, tell us about your projects, introduce yourself!
  • Have an idea for a project or activity? Action teams may also be formed outside of (or within) the Content Teams, to perform specific tasks or accomplish goals. Start one up!
  • Get your co-workers involved - if there are others in your organization that you'd like to get more involved, contact Abbie to get them signed up.

And finally,

  • Don't be afraid to change Working Groups. If Content isn't a good fit, and you're more interested in Infrastructure, Innovation, Outreach, or Standards after all, our feelings won't be hurt. We realize that as the work evolves, new members may find themselves in the "wrong" group. Contact your co-chairs if you have questions about switching working groups.

Scope of Work

The Content Working Group is developing case studies and models to share compelling stories that demonstrate the value of digital preservation in our communities. The case studies will be shared with all stakeholders, from content producers to cultural heritage organizations, with goals of:

  • engaging all members of the community in the preservation of content,
  • encouraging the cultivation of relationships that could enable preservation, and,
  • in conjunction with other working groups in the NDSA, identifying actionable next steps to ensure important content is preserved.

An earlier version of our NDSA:scope of work is available here.

Current Activities and Initiatives

2015 Planning

Presentation topics and project ideas

  • Working with Content Creators
  • 2015 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship (taken from "Actionable Recommendations")
    • Section 2.1 Overarching Issues with Digital Content
      • Develop content scans in each area of interest to the community that identify important collections and the efforts to ensure durable access to them
      • Continue to build systematic longitudinal evidence on the practice and context of preservation
      • Extend systematic surveys and scans on organizational capacity and preservation storage practices to guide selection
    • Section 2.2.2 Connection to Creator Community
      • Support the ongoing evaluation of digital collections and their impacts
        • Project idea: 2015 Web Archiving Survey? (following on 2011 and 2013 surveys)
      • Communicate and coordinate collection priority statements at national, regional, and institutional levels
        • Project idea: Create template? Develop survey? How might the CWG support this?
      • Explore privacy issues in born-digital collecting
        • Suggested Speaker: Jean E. Dryden, who teaches Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) course on this topic
      • Develop further understanding and proficiency in the tools researchers want to interact with digital collections
      • Connect with the communities across commercial, nonprofit, private, and public sectors that create digital content to leverage their incentives to preserve
    • Section 2.3 Content-Specific Challenges
      • 2.3.1 Scientific Data Sets
        • CWG Project Ideas
        • Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
          • Virginia Commonwealth University data manager
          • GIS data
          • Workflows for ongoing collection of scientific data and software/code to preserve in institutional repositories
      • 2.3.2 Web and Social Media
        • CWG Project Ideas
          • Guidance for web site creators (a one-page guidance document for creators is in the works)
          • Content Case study on web archiving rapidly changing events
        • Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
          • Martin Klein, UCLA, on collecting social media around the Arab Spring, including from researchers who captured content
          • Ben Welsh on extending the functionality of Story Tracker (looking for input from web archive community)
          • Memento project
      • 2.3.4 Moving Image and Recorded Sound
        • CWG Project Ideas
        • Suggested Speakers/Topics for Presentations
      • 2.3.5 Electronic Records (of businesses, organizations, and government)
        • CWG Project Ideas
        • Planned Speakers, April 1, 2015
          • Glen McAninch, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives
          • Kevin De Vorsey, National Archives and Records Administration
  • Other suggestions/ideas
    • "Older-data-rescue" outreach
    • Furthering work to understand stakeholders (creative and visual artists mentioned specifically)
    • Cross Content Team projects related to born-digital news preservation
  • Other suggestions/ideas
    • Continue/Restart member presentations

Content Teams

Content Working Group NDSA:content teams have been formed around various content areas to better organize our large working group. By motivating smaller teams to work together on projects of interest to them, we hope to accomplish more and raise awareness about the risk and value of digital content. Ideally everyone in the content WG will sign up for at least one that fits their organizations content area of interest. Read more NDSA:About the Content Teams here.

NOTE: The content teams have their own meeting schedules; please contact the facilitators for each group to learn more about meeting times.

NDSA:Content Case Studies

The Content Teams of the Content Working Group will develop case studies around a variety of types of content to share compelling stories that demonstrate the value of digital preservation in our communities.

Quick links to Case Studies in Development

Others in progress: The Government team is working on a case study on land records, including Maryland land records and geospacial records, with a focus on issues of cooperation between local and state people and groups. Anne Harrison from FEDLINK is also working on a case study on trying to preserve history of legislation: hearings, publications, etc. A description of this content and needs will be drafted in case study format.

Content Interview Series

Working Groups members are interviewing and being interviewed for the Signal Blog NDSA:Content Interview Series. If you are interested in participating, contact Abbie abgr@loc.gov.

Member Presentations

We want to learn more about you! Sign up on our NDSA:Member Presentations page to present about your organization, what content you are preserving, and your challenges and success stories.

2013 NDSA:Web Archiving Survey

A survey of Web Archiving organizations in the U.S. was open through November 30, 2013 and analysis is now under way. More information is at NDSA:Web Archiving Survey.

Prior Activities

For more information about prior activities undertaken by the CWG, visit our NDSA:Prior Activities page.

Meeting Schedule and Minutes

See our new CWG NDSA:Calendar! Add upcoming events or sign up to give one of our brief NDSA:Member Presentations.

  • 4/6/2016: Focus on Social Media Preservation, with guest speakers Sara Day Thomson and Bergis Jules. Audio available now! Listen online here.

NDSA:Prior CWG Meetings (2010-2013)


The group will work and collaborate using the following tools and mechanisms:

  • Listserv: visit this page to subscribe or unsubscribe.
  • Regular conference calls: see meetings section above.
  • Annual conference
  • Wiki: you're here!