DLF WG on Labor in Digital Libraries, Archives and Museums: Valuing Labor Subgroup
Meeting minutes: May 6, 2019
Wiki Resources and Signal Boosting
Facilitator/Note-taker: Amy Wickner
Wiki overview
Wiki discussion
What additional resources would you like to see hosted on the wiki?
Referring to the DLF Organizers’ Toolkit often lately - could be a model for us in building out our wiki
- Organizing events with DLF but other really great stuff
- Referring to it for information about accessibility for events
- Facilitating for diversity & inclusion
Now that we have the research agenda out, how can we capture what has come out since and point towards similar resources?
- Guidelines for job postings - some relations to organizing around grant-funded labor
- Public history group did guidelines for job postings
- A place for someone thinking about these issues to find not only our work but others’
- Aggregating parallel efforts
- SAA Issues & Advocacy putting together surveys & guidelines
- Role for our group to point out to others
Could the research agenda scope how to provide access to other elements? Using sections of the research agenda to point out?
- Also, what’s the difference between citations / articles v. other activities? E.g. ARLIS conversation about guidelines for jobs in art libraries
- Evergreen content v. updates / news articles (in the Zotero)
Where else is this kind of organizing taking place in other organizations?
- Archivists’ Round Table (NY)
- Anyone actively talking about these issues whether or not they’re specifically dedicated to them
- Monitoring other groups having these conversations
List existing issues or campaigns
- UC Librarians
- Easy access to solidarity efforts that exist
Also include proposed outputs of each group e.g. manager outreach
Train the trainers list
- People who have skills in organizing, advocating, developing asks around labor issues, who are up for being contacted
- Connect people who want to work together
How to start a union
- Basics / bones of it, explainer, who to call (up to & including Emily)
Internships for credit, paid / unpaid?
- Case studies
- How to get paid, how to change internship policies
Success stories! I got this policy changed, etc. the world is such a bummer
Design for Diversity project - example of pulling together case studies, learning activities, who to contact if they want to do something similar:
- Can some of us be available for 1:1s if people have specific questions
Will look into possibility of getting other people on the wiki (not just facilitators)
Link out to a Google doc for some info? Relying on continuous access could get complicated if also relying on DLF admins for wiki access
- But also data portability, don’t be evil, digital preservation
What non-Labor WG resources exist that address similar topics or audiences?
@OrganizingLIS ++++++ pls follow & DM or @ if you see anything relevant
Signal Boosting Discussion
Purpose of signal boosting / amplifying others’ work
What existing work would you like to see Labor WG amplify?
Each conference (SAA, etc.) has at least 1 panel
Signal boost places where people are congregating and talking about these issues
Live tweeting!
Workshops, one-off on how to organize your workplace, how to make a demand, etc., at places where people [already] congregate, anti-oppressive facilitation
- Training series
- Record workshops & share / transcribe via DLF, maybe via wiki
- Maintainers?
Spreadsheet keeping track of who’s going to what conferences and what they’re presenting, have colleagues sign up to live tweet during sessions
- Not just meetups but also carry through outreach
Combination of conference-focused activities v. resources for people who aren’t able to make conferences but want to facilitate their own meetups
What non-Labor WG signal-boosting activities address similar topics or audiences?
Talking about labor stuff wherever we are, building out a network, knowing more people on this call than would have a few years ago
Who’s willing to have a 1:1 list, building network of expertise
Labor stuff is local so connecting locally is really important
Troublemakers Schools, especially the regional model
Lots of groups getting together informally outside of conferences themselves
Hosting something at another event - come talk with people about labor issues, think of it as hosting the 1:1s, talking informally over coffee
- Other communities beyond where Labor WG already is
- If you’re not a specific working group, panel, etc.
- Software Preservation Network - lots of people, how to get them together on basically no budget, developing advocating capacity
Lately everythinggggggg issssss laborrrrrrrrr
- Infuse it in everything else you to encourage people who wouldn’t otherwise think about it
Signal boosting is also about consolidating efforts recognizing that there are many parallel efforts happening, making sure that people know about one another - amazing how often people don’t realize
- e.g. students not knowing that people in the profession are talking about them, only in student identity for a couple of years
Next meeting (Maintainers): Monday, June 3, 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific
Next steps
- Emily & Jess = spreadsheet for 1:1s
- Additional concrete items tbd! (need to process)
- List of other related or allied groups and what they’re doing
- Anything we should do to prepare for the next topic?
- Check out the Maintainers website