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DLF Assessment Interest Group: Metadata Working Group

(Metadata Assessment Working Group)

This group is open to anyone who is interested in taking part. There are no minimum or membership requirements, though we hope you’ll take as active a part as you’re able and willing.

The Metadata Assessment Working Group aims to build guidelines, best practices, tools and workflows around the evaluation and assessment of metadata used by and for digital libraries and repositories. The group hopes to offer deliverables and recommendations that digital library and repository users can implement for metadata assessment and metadata quality control.

This group should not focus on prescriptive recommendations for metadata (using one schema versus another, or comparisons of controlled vocabularies, etc.), but rather how (both functionally and to what metrics) to measure, evaluate and assess the metadata as it exists in a variety of digital library systems. Future work could lend itself to then using that assessment work to decide a pathway for metadata enhancement.

Get Involved

The Metadata Working Group will primarily communicate through the DLF AIG Metadata Working Group Google Group.

You can also join the Assessment Interest Group Slack workspace. There is a channel for the Metadata Interest Group where you can post any questions you may have.

The majority of the work for 2016 was done in a Google Drive folder, which as been moved to a shared drive (accessible to members of the Google Group). Additionally, we have a significant portion of our work in our GitHub Organization.

This wiki page will be used to shared static information - meeting times, decided deliverables and goals for the year, etc.

Metadata Working Group Meetings

We have working meetings every 2-4 weeks from January through DLF Forum in November. The meetings will take place on Thursdays at 1:15 PM Eastern/10:15 AM Pacific. Agendas contain connection information and the plan for the meeting; they are available in the Google Group Drive and are sent to the Google Group beforehand.

Upcoming Meetings Schedule