NDSA:Outreach Meeting Minutes 09-09-13
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Monday September 9, 2013, 3:00 p.m. EDT
- Discuss draft questions for the NDSA Outreach Strategy Survey. This survey will be sent to all NDSA members to get some guidance on future strategic directions for the NDSA Outreach group. Draft questions are below and on the wiki.
- A rundown of upcoming Outreach events to promote the 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship
Attendees: Deborah Rossum, Carol Minton Morris, Erin Engle, Butch Lazorchak, Vickie Allen, Sue Manus, Jaime Schumacher
Meeting Notes
Shoot for Oct. 1 for the release of the survey at the latest. 2 weeks for survey, one week extension, done by end of October.
Schedule for promoting the National Agenda.
- Group will prepare questions to go in the survey. Butch will start with a set to begin.
- Secretariat will provide SurveyMonkey to host the survey.
- Erin will assist in coordinating future outreach activities around the National Agenda. These include conference presentations in the last 6 months of 2013 as well as another WebEx session.