Pedagogy:Professional Development

From DLF Wiki
Revision as of 16:58, 20 October 2017 by Ejkelly (talk | contribs)


The DLF Digital Pedagogy Resource Sharing and Professional Skills Development project formed following the DLF Digital Library Pedagogy group’s first two Twitter chats in early 2016. Group members were looking for opportunities to develop professional skills in teaching with and about digital libraries such as tutorials, webinars, and workshops.

Current projects

The Environmental Scan details existing resources to aid digital library practitioners in finding and developing teaching skills and resources. Anyone can add additional resources to the appropriate appropriate tab on the spreadsheet.

The project group also hosts office hours on the Digital Humanities Slack channel every Tuesday from 2pm-3pm ET. Find out more on the DLF blog.


The 2017 phone meeting schedule is:

  • 2/14, 11am CT notes
  • 3/16, 3:30pm CT notes
  • 4/13, 3:30pm CT notes
  • 5/11, 3:30pm CT notes
  • 6/8, 3:30pm CT cancelled
  • 7/6, 3:30pm CT notes
  • 8/3, 3:30pm CT notes
  • 8/31, 3:30pm CTnotes
  • 9/28, 3:30pm CT

Please contact one of the project leaders for information on joining the call.

Who's coordinating?