NDSA:Outreach Meeting Minutes 08-12-13
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Monday August 12, 2013, 3:00 p.m. EDT
- Debrief of NDSA National Agenda Rollout Plan
- Future Work of the NDSA Outreach Group (including possible presentations?)
Attendees: Deborah Rossum, Vickie Allen, Carol Minton Morris, Erin Engle, Butch Lazorchak
Meeting Notes
Debrief on NDSA rollout efforts.
Take each topic area on National Agenda, get speakers involved in each aspect to talk about what they're doing and how that fits in.
Duraspace overview presentation in Oct. How to coordinate presentations for different constituencies?
How to keep in touch with funders? Feed them things and how do we find out if they do uptake on the Agenda? Collect data about NDSA members and their engagement around particular aspects of the Agenda.
Next steps: The group discussed the idea of a survey of NDSA members to get an idea of the type of work they’d like to see the Outreach WG tackle.
How do people view the Outreach WG activities and what do they think is appropriate for the group to work on.
- Group will prepare questions to go in the survey. Butch will start with a set to begin.
- Secretariat will provide SurveyMonkey to host the survey.
- Erin will assist in coordinating future outreach activities around the National Agenda. These include conference presentations in the last 6 months of 2013 as well as another WebEx session.