NDSA:March 13, 2012 Standards Working Group Notes

From DLF Wiki

WebEx recording: https://issevents.webex.com/issevents/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=51625197&rKey=710a7e3723d95a98

Meeting Notes (Kate Murray, notetaker)

NDSA Standards Subgroup

Web Ex meeting notes

March 13, 2012


Jimi Jones, Andrea Goethals, Kate Murray, John Spencer, Amy Kirchoff, Barbara Dean, Linda Tadic, Sue DuBois, Meghan Banach, Gary Wright

Meeting will be recorded. No objections noted.

Standards Survey Update:

Priscilla Caplan and Steven Davis are working on rewrite of Digital Preservation Article. Draft available as Google Doc.

Andrea talked to Open Planets Foundation (http://www.openplanetsfoundation.org/ for more info on this group). They are interested in helping with Standards survey. Need to figure out the best way forward.

Staffing Survey Work.

Meg Phillips started work but not on call today. Goal is to collection information from for profit and non-profit organizations to learn about how they staff preservation and digitization projects. More information is available in NDSA Standards Wiki: http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=Standards_and_Best_Practices_Working_Group. The wiki includes information about use cases.

A separate Google Doc contains the most up-to-date version of the questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoNiJkoZuFjGPijnC7KPjk1ry9IDKyPWF_qCRZzo3wg/edit If you don’t have access to this document, please contact Andrea. .

Survey Question Discussion

• Question #1: Should we add service providers to the possible answer options? What if service provider like OCLC or/and Tessella? Are these covered under for-profit or other? What about consortia?. What about CDL? Would THEY fill it out or would each individual school? Maybe “not for profit” again? Is there a question about outsourcing? No – not specifically. But maybe addressed in #4. Could be added in by adding additional columns to specific in-house or outsource for each task.

o Decision: leave as is.

• Question #2. Minor adjustment for numbers so they don’t overlap. Should we drop <1TB? Would they have an impact for this survey?

o Decision: Leave <1TB and add another line >500TB

• Question #3. Current format of question maybe confusing.

o Decision: Take away response options for a free text field. Easier to aggregate responses.

• Question #4: Is question formatting clear as to how one might provide information?

o Decision: add columns to distinguish between what is done in-house and outsourced. Rewording third column: Select all the functions you believe should be added to your digital preservation program?

o There was much discussion about language involving digital curation, transformation, and transcoding.

o Other editing issues were discussed and resolved and are reflected in the document

o The group was unsure about the ”auditing” and will refer back to Meg Phillips for clarity.

Action Items for group:

All continue to work in it separately before April meeting. Look carefully at questions for deletion: #12 and 13

Meghan is looking for feedback on question #14 which she submitted.