NDSA:February 25, 2013 Standards Working Group Notes

From DLF Wiki

1. New member introduction

  • No new members on the call.

2. Contributions to the NDSA National Agenda report [1] (35 minutes) We are going to try working together on a document in real-time. Please check that you're able to edit the doc at the following link:


Organizational Section

  • We have been asked to describe why the topic matters at this time, plus make recommendations about next steps.
  • Can/should we put in something about staffing survey from last year? Perhaps mention of FTEs in one of the bullets. The survey also talked about characteristics of people being looking for.
  • Would it be useful to do an environmental scan/inventory of positions in digital preservation that people could use as models?
  • It was mentioned that many first need to simplp get management to understand that digital preservation needs to happen.
  • Audit and certification project ... should we integrate that into this document?
  • Any regional or local efforts we should focus on? Partnerships?
  • What about international efforts?
  • Estonia -- Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation document ... maybe it can be helpful in helping us decide on what to focus?
  • How does digital preservation fit into bigger things, like data management?
  • This is about scoping what we are responsible for at different scales.
  • Role of disciplinary repositories and what LC is going to take responsibility for and what others will do.
  • Network of repositories.
  • White House mandate for open access.
  • Compliance coming from different places ... funded research, etc.

Digital Content Section

  • Q about Compound, complex document section ... scope is not specific. Maybe change "document" to something less format specific. Maybe "objects". All agree this is better.
  • We want to consider dynamic content that changes over time
  • Digital art & new media.
  • Connecting preserved publications to preserved data (connections between repositories)
  • Accessibility of digital content
  • Discoverability of digital content
  • Big data?
  • Computational consumption of archives
  • Annotations
  • What to do when you need to limit access due to restrictions of one reason or another (copyright, human studies, etc.)
  • Leveraging tools and practices in digital forensics community.
  • Tools available to package and annotate content.

Research Section

  • Integration of large scale emulation into delivery.
  • Testing of migration.
  • Integration of emulation and migration.

Infrastructure Section

  • Storage at scale
  • Tools to aid in risk assessment and archive management (preservation planning).

3. New projects (15 minutes)

  b. Certifications
  • Nancy didn't make the call. New charter on the NDSA page. We might want to wait for Nancy.
  • Main idea is to review options for different archives and repositories.
  • For instance, in Europe, there is a framework for data ... data seal of approval, then self-assessment, and then full certification is self assessment and full audit. An org has to decide what makes the most sense for themselves. How do you understand your organization's investment in doing any of these activities and the gain you might get from doing any of them.

4. Update on projects

  a. PDF/A-3 (5 minutes)
  • Pros/cons and use cases.
  • Set up a GoogleDoc.
  • Going to try and get pieces in by 3rd week in March in time for next meeting of the PDF/A-3 group the next week.
  • DPC is sponsoring a session on PDF/A-3 and Sheila will be there.
  • Probably nothing for this bigger Standards group until April.

b. WikiProject (5 minutes)

  • Working on best practices and email.
  • Section for long-term email preservation has been written off-line. Chris and Dina. Email archiving will be drafted for next week.

5. Next call, March 18th