NDSA:August 20, 2012 Standards Working Group Notes
NDSA Standards and Practices Working Group
WebEx meeting notes, August 20, 2012
Jimi Jones, Andrea Goethals, John Spencer, Meg Philips, Carol Kussman, Kate Murray, Stephen Davis, Dina Sokolova (note taker), Midge Coates, Aaron Trehub, Steve Morris
(Apologies if I have left anyone out, please feel free to add your name.)
Meeting will be recorded. No objections noted.
The WebEx recording can be found here: https://issevents.webex.com/issevents/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=54493937&rKey=f3bba9add0fd29e8
Two new members introduced themselves to the group:
Carol Kussmann, Minnesota Historical Society
Steve Morris, North Carolina State University Libraries
• Conference reports/interesting stuff
• Wikipedia work update
• Staffing survey
• Planning for the iPRES poster
Conference reports/interesting stuff:
• Stephen Davis talked about a questionnaire sent out by the Academic Preservation Trust. The document gathers information on what types and amounts of data the partner institutions have and what services they prefer to receive. This survey might be of interest to those who want to learn about this initiative. Stephen will post the survey on the listserv.
• Meg Phillips and Kate Murray shared their impressions of the CurateCamp Processing Data/Processing Collections unconference held at the Digital Preservation 2012 Meeting. They believe that the unconference was an effective way of covering topics and overall the CurateCamp was a fruitful experience.
• Aaron Trehub talked about IFLA conference in Helsinki where he participated in the panel session on disaster planning and recovery for digital libraries. The page for this IFLA panel can be found here: http://conference.ifla.org/ifla78/session-216.
• Aaron also mentioned that the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries is working on “A Step-By-Step Guide to Data Management” that will help institutions in preparing Data Management Plans. The guide is planned to be finalized sometime this semester. The draft of this document can be found here:
Wikipedia work update:
Stephen Davis updated the group on the recent work on the Digital Preservation Wikipedia article. Several additions have been made to the article Talk page, WikiProject page, and NDSA Working Group page. These pages also provide links to the current Google docs for the article outline and proposed new content.
The main goal of the initiative is to move new content to the Wikipedia article. Stephen mentioned that the main challenges are that all improvements should be done within the current article’s content, and it is currently not clear how much information should be included in the main article if there are related Wikipedia articles on the topic. Stephen encouraged the members of the working group to comment on the completed sections and participate in adding and editing content.
Staffing survey:
Andrea Goethals showed the preliminary results of the staffing survey that she prepared using Qualtrics web-based survey software. The original closing day for the survey was August 17, but it was decided to keep the survey open till the end of the month so that more institutions could respond. Andrea reported that 123 responses were received up to date and not all of them are complete. Andrea went through all the questions of the survey showing the preliminary results in form of tables and graphs. The survey results will be archived and made available to the NDSA Standards Working Group members.
Planning for the iPRES poster:
Jimi Jones talked about the iPRES poster for the digital preservation staffing survey that needs to be done by the end of September. After some discussion Meg Philips and Jimi Jones suggested to form a group that would decide what questions are important and interesting and put together the first draft of the poster. It was decided that the first draft of the poster would outline the content and the work on the second draft would be concentrated on the poster design.
Carol Kussman, Andrea Goethals, Meg Philips, Kate Murray, and Jimi Jones agreed to serve on the group, but everyone who is interested is welcome to join, especially people with statistics background and skills.
The revised schedule for the staffing survey poster work:
July 18 – August 17: Staffing survey goes out
Week of August 20: Close out survey, collate data, generate graphs
Tuesday, August 28: 2-page paper due
Week of September 4: 1st draft of text for poster (action team works off-line)
September 13: WebEx for 2nd draft for poster
Week of September 17: Polish up final draft of poster text, copy edit, finalize graphs/images
September 24-26: Poster is printed
September 27: Poster is done and ready to transport to iPres
October 1-5: iPres conference
The next monthly WebEx meeting will cover updated survey results and the first draft of the poster.