NDSA:April 18, 2012 Standards Working Group Notes

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NDSA Standards Subgroup

Web Ex meeting notes

April 18, 2012


Jimi Jones, Andrea Goethals, Kate Murray, John Spencer, Kate Boyd, Barbara Dean (note taker), Emily Shaw, Tracy Popp, Priscilla Caplan, Jessica Colati, Meghan Burgin, Midge Cos

The following new members introduced themselves:

Kate Boyd – University of South Carolina, Digital Collections Librarian

Midge Cos – Auburn University, Digital Projects Librarian.


Report on NDSA Coordinating Committee meeting (Jones, Goethals): ' Meeting was held March 29-30, 2012 in Washington, D.C. The report of the meeting can be found at http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=2012_Q1_Meeting. Primary discussion centered around what makes NDSA unique, digital stewardship in the coming year, and how to leverage the group’s strengths and opportunities. Highlights from the resulting action items included assignment of tasks for defining the “brand”, including communications, creation of a press kit, and engaging and empowering members, which included discussed the creation of a membership kit , orientation for new members to help new members find the right fit for their interests and backgrounds. The committee is interested in leveraging strengths by demonstrating expertise; monthly public webinars by members was suggested.

Further discussion during this meeting included identifying benefits of membership, and the how members interact during the meetings. It was recognized that there are and will be “lurkers”, but need to encourage them to step up and step in when the project or discussion is relevant to them, and to propose projects that are of interest. Jimi added his concern that NDSA members should not feel that the group is heavily driven by the Library of Congress. Everyone has a voice and can bring something to the workgroups. Meghan asked about the NDIIPP/NDSA Joint conference this summer. It is scheduled for July 24. The call for presentations was due Monday, April 23. Information was sent to the listserv.

Priscilla asked about the relationship between NDSA and DPN (Digital Preservation Network). Andrea noted that there is no formal relationship and commented that DPN could be a model for something broader than NDSA.

Staffing Survey

A separate Google Doc contains the most up-to-date version of the questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QoNiJkoZuFjGPijnC7KPjk1ry9IDKyPWF_qCRZzo3wg/edit If you don’t have access to this document, please contact Andrea. We basically started with question 1 again, and discussed through 11. Summary of the discussion appears below. Jimi has scheduled a separate meeting to complete this work on Wednesday, April 25.

Survey Question Discussion

• Question #1: Accepted

• Question #2. Add 0 and > 500 to the ranges. There was a suggestion to ask for a number for over 500 to see if we have the right ranges. Emily introduced a discussion about including derivative and backup files, noting that it was hard to pull out only content at her location. She also noted that some sites might be including metadata and text in their storage space.

• Question #3. Does the question include born-digital content that sites may acquire, which adds to and may dwarf content from digitization projects. It also adds to the storage and back up requirements for their digital footprint. Should the question be more targeted to an expected annual growth rate over the next three years?

o Seemed to be a consensus that the one year number had value.

• Question #4: Reordered after last meeting. Question is looking for a percentage of the media types. May need to be clarified.

• Questions #6 (now in 5th position): Currently proposed to have 4 columns: Functions performed now, functions outsourced, functions you would like to do, functions you would like to outsource.

o John Spencer commented that as a private entity, their functions don’t align exactly , as they do individual analyses with clients to match needs.

• Question #5 (now in 6th position): Proposed that the functions in the above question be repeated so that responders can indicate the number of people by function.

• Question #7-10: Proposed for elimination

• Question #11: Reframed to include elements of the above questions. Action Items for group:

Pop up meeting to iron out the Staffing Survey scheduled.

Next meeting will be in May and will be scheduled via the Doodle poll.