DLF WG on Labor in Digital Libraries, Archives and Museums: Valuing Labor Subgroup
Meeting minutes: March 21, 2018
Note-taker: Amy Wickner.
Discuss Draft Research Agenda
Overview of the sections, rationale for each
- Relationship between Categories of Labor and Workers & Managers?
- Categories is about how labor & workers are classified
- W&M is about relationships / transitions between categories or types of classification
- Next steps: organize & clarify these sections
- How to sequence topics - table for future meeting
Organizing references
- Footnotes may not work in a wiki (would be more like endnotes anyway)
- In-line citation to works in a standalone references section
- Add references to Zotero as they come up
- Thank you, Todd, for starting the process!
- Final reconciliation between the document and Zotero library will still be necessary
- LIS v. non-LIS references
- Keep predominant focus on LIS to understand the landscape of LIS research on relevant labor topics
- Include relevant material from other disciplines, especially to highlight where gaps exist in LIS research
Research agenda timeline
- Continue editing, discuss again at April meeting
- Working meeting (May/June) to resolve comments & write/edit together
- Open document to wider DLF community for feedback (summer/early fall, definitely before DLF '18)
- Where will this document eventually live?
- DLF wiki one possibility
Guests: SAA Issues & Advocacy Section Steering Committee
Steering Share: Considering Labor Models in Archives Work
- Talking about expanding the scope of I&A to include issues such as labor, wanted to touch base with Labor WG, share ideas, explore possibilities for collaboration
- At least 2 steering committee members are especially interested in labor & have written blog posts about it
- Currently brainstorming about some kind of data collection around temp labor in archives, coming up with best practices document, probably similar to best practices for grant-funded positions document (Contingency & Precarity sub-group project)
- I&A is pretty open in terms of what issues interested in taking up
- Timeline for collaboration would be at least year & a half based on terms of chair & co-chair
Proposed project: Survey
- Very little research at the moment about temp labor, internships in archives
- Main point that comes up in conversation: we all know things are going on but would really like to get hard data to support it
- Unclear who would do this survey
- Lots of tension in trying to research unpaid internships re: role of professional organizations, which represent both workers and management
- see e.g. SAA Best Practices for Internships as a Component of Graduate Archival Education
- Who(m?) do professional organizations serve?
Q: Is this SAA expressing interest or individual members of I&A?
A: I&A members. SAA has so far not been open to talking about labor; there's no standalone labor group for example. Don't feel we need to ask permission to do this work, although might reconsider if we get pushback.
Q: What kinds of responses to the blog post?
A: Mostly social media likes, has sparked conversation among I&A steering committee but so far not many conversations. Blog feels a bit limited in what we can do.
Q: Current status of this project? Ready to start developing survey questions?
A: Probably ready to start developing questions, already brainstorming but nothing solidified at this point. Will share background & call for participation on email list for this group.
Let’s find a new, probably later meeting time! See Google Group for poll.
- Abstracts
- 1-day miniconference sponsored by Los Angeles Archivists Collective, UCLA Information Studies, UCLA Libraries
- Spotlight voices of students & new professionals, issues in LIS that are of interest to them or uniquely affect them
- Talks related to labor:
- Wages for Intern Work: Denormalizing Unpaid Positions in Archives and Libraries (Karly Wildenhaus)
- From Student to Accessioning Archivist: Changing Roles and Responsibilities in a Changing Department (Jessica Maddox)
- Shout out to the group if you're attending!
Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium
- Abstracts
- Theme is labor, what work does gender do?
- Shout out to the group if you're attending!
DLF Forum 2018
- CFPs are open:
- Propose! Talk about labor! Use the Google Group to organize.
- Let Labor WG know if we can support your proposals in any way: connecting with panelists, editing, connecting DLF attendees with non-attendees, etc.
- Labor WG facilitators will update when we know more about WG-specific activities such as meetups
- We will also update about Fellowship opportunities as they come out: