NDSA:May 7 Minutes

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Notes from the NDSA Content Working Group Meeting May 7, 2014


Note: List of attendees was stored in Adobe Connect, but deleted before I got to them. I think we had about 25 folks on the call.


Today's call was focused on a number of projects related to web archiving.

Nicholas Taylor on this topic:

Description of presentation: "Following the model of Stanford's web accessibility evangelist, I've been reaching out to the campus community of web builders to raise awareness about the importance of website archivability. Archivable websites facilitate our own local web preservation efforts (e.g., an institutional archives responsible for online records) as well as those of other organizations (e.g., Internet Archive's web-wide crawls). I've been making the case - to positive reception - that archivable websites benefit web builders, as well, by improving performance, usability, and the likelihood that web archives will be available as a resource for their own reference. For the NDSA conference call, I will share tips for improving website archivability, more and less persuasive arguments for making the case to web builders, and possible collaborations that have been discussed at Stanford between campus web builders and the repository."

During our call, Nicholas shared a case study of his outreach to web masters and campus content management system people at Stanford; they're not aware of what they can do upstream to improve digital preservation efforts downstream. It helps if you go upstream to effect how the templates are set up. Make the case that archiving is also about usability. Make the case that usability over time is important.

Nicholas presentation is here: http://www.slideshare.net/nullhandle/advocating-for-web-archivability

Maureen Harlow, NLM’s NDSR resident

Maureen is wrapping up her project to develop a thematic Web collection at NLM (called “Disorders of the Developing and Aging Brain: Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web.”). During our call, Maureen shared how she developed a thematic web collection at NLM to fill in the gaps.

Maureen's presentation is here: File:NDSA Harlowe.pdf

Web Archiving Survey update

On the survey, we are working through the results and there were a number of people assigned to each take a section. We have made a first pass, and will have the final results by the summer meeting. We will do a couple of blog posts by end of June, and in the meantime have to do some writing and chart making. We will circulate a draft to the list.

Summer meeting

Do we want a CWG in person meeting Monday at LC, or lunch/dinner gathering?

There is meeting space at the Library if we want to meet on Monday afternoon. This way we could hold an in-person meeting. In advance, we should discuss what we'd like to cover at the face-to-face. Alternatively we could meet over dinner or during happy hour. There was consensus to meet on Monday, and then possibly dinner or happy hour after.