NDSA:January 2013

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Big Picture Content Team Meeting

January 7, 2013

Attendees: Abby, Abbie, Rachel, Cathy, Joel

National Agenda

Where can we contribute to the agenda that was submitted via NDSA-ALL (email from Michelle Gallinger)? Abbie and Cathy gave a brief overview of:

  • Why this is being done
  • Who is the audience

Hope to be able to provide a big picture view of the organization - understand more what the other working groups are doing. Purpose and vision of the organization, help with planning, a vision document. Each Working Group and individual members are being asked to contribute ideas for the agenda during the next few months. In March, the coordinating committee will meet to discuss and draft, with a rollout at the summer meeting.

We then brainstormed ideas for contributions from the CWG.

Abby: As CWG, we could identify areas that are opportunistic, emerging genres. Like the recent Twitter announcement - changing the way people are thinking about this. Long term value, short term value, scale, what organizations need to be involved. Could see that we could contribute vision about kinds of content that will be important, emerging, which are relevant for NDSA community members, which are being worked on. Challenges that we see - implications for other groups.

Is there something we can say about content that the other groups could help us with, that other working groups could help us address?

Rachel suggested that beyond the report, which will be 5 pages, what would be a more important activity is how does this connect with the actions, activities of working groups. The National Agenda research report is framing the activities, but at the same time it is reporting out what NDSA is working on. Would be helpful in recruiting new members, identify players that might not be part of the dialog yet.

Joel suggested we reach down to subgroups, critical content genres in Content Teams. See what they are thinking, and harness the status of the content teams so far. Develop from bottom up. case studies are identifying a number of types of content. We talked about how blogs are showing up in the news team and the science team, some synergies across content teams.

Abbie thought it might be helpful to identify higher level themes across all of content teams as our contribution to the agenda. Identify some of issues that we've surfaced - copyright, etc. suggest things that emerge, problems that need practical solutions.

We discussed Privacy/Intellectual property and policies. Wondered if we needed a policy group in NDSA, though after some discussion it seemed like it could be covered in Standards and Practices. If CWG to highlight the ongoing concerns about rights/copyright/intellectual property and privacy in the National Agenda, that could be useful. It is the "connecting tissue" for many projects. Possible area: Pointing to people's best practices in troublesome areas. Help others guide them.

How do we get out to communities beyond NDSA net? Do we overlap with DPN? Rachel informed us that CLIR is doing some work to highlight some of these big projects (NDSA, DPN, DPLA, others). Get a better constellation of what's out there. How they are all aligned. Sort of a "101 Series" - consumer reports edition.

Rachel expressed that the more transparent we can be about the draft stages of report the better. Let people know we're writing it, have it out there for public comment, with a planned comment period built into the timeline. Draft timeline for overall document - maybe there are timelines for the sections/tighter development cycle. So resulting document is built over time.

She proposed that one of CWG's contributions could be to identify connection points, collaboration opportunities, overlaps- try to be more coordinated so funders and others don't get confused about who is doing what. There is potential for future work. We could contribute linkages to other opportunities. Joel mentioned the recent collaborative approach being used with the Born Digital Guidance report http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/mcpress/borndigital/ open for public comment. Could help reengage and energize the working groups. It would make the report more meaningful if we're being connect with others. Encourage others in NDSA and beyond to think about how to respond, how will this affect our work?

Abby agreed that it was important to have a map of the territory, where the players boundaries are. DPN is complimentary to NDSA but nothing overlapping. Major infrastructure pieces being build (DPN, DPLA, NDSA).

Content Teams

We discussed briefly the work of the content teams and the case studies - are they useful? helpful? As long as they are and they are people moving along this group felt they were valuable. If they are helpful to think about the issues, then that's good. Abbie and Cathy need to get a reminder out about the next meeting January 16 (where we'll talk about the National Agenda a bit more) and we'll get some updates then - Abbie will remind team leads to send updates along.

With that we wrapped up the discussion.