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Audience Action Team Members

Carol Minton Morris cmmorris@duraspace.org



Who/What are the audiences for digital preservation actions?

Might be useful to bring in consumer marketing demographics such as Experian's Lifestyle Consumer Mosaic.

Another way to look at it is who makes the "preserving" decisions in a household/organization.

"Household" implying "consumer-level." Could further split into "memory responsibility" vs. "technical responsibility" (could also do this in organizations). For better or worse, this split is often gender-based, with the "man" taking on the "technical responsibility" and the "woman" taking on the "memory responsibility."

Do we target only those with "memory responsibility"? Is there a different message for those with "technical responsibility"? And if there is a gender-based split, how does that effect the way we shape the message?

Consumer vs. Professional? What about NDSA:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosumer pro-sumer?