NDSA:July 20, 2015 Standards and Practices Working Group Notes
Announcements and Project Updates
- iPres poster accepted that discusses the work of the group. Will work on layout and details in coming months.
- NDSA will have a reception at iPres, which is also where the Innovation Awards will be presented.
- Video Deep Dive project – will have an upcoming blog post after Erin gets the draft to the working group to review.
Update on New NDSA Hosting
- 5 letters of interest from 5 institutions. The coordinating committee looked at these this morning and plan to interview interested institutions over the next two weeks and make a recommendation by Mid-August. The Coordinating Committee is trying to figure out how working groups can contribute to this process.
Today's Topic of Discussion: Upcoming Conference Presentations / What Are You Working On
- Kate Murray: Presenting at IASA (http://www.2015.iasa-web.org/) performance to analog to digital FADGI (on google doc) present at Paris, end of sept, ongoing project, other presernters, analog to digital converter testing, pulled from early june fadgi presentation. Built on still image project, (scanner/cameras), and other projects. Activity back to 2011, when looked at perfomanec metrics, saw a need to modify the metrics and benchmarks, running tests to see how the elements proposed, and the findings published in 2012 (2 docs) audioperf.html. Guideline to measurements, how and what… Wanted to take next step, had theory, but how achievable are these --- over last year or two, invested in equimptment (25,000) and use to develop a set of tempaltes – scripts- for the device… issues with the analyzer. Tested on the road. Some issues occurred, as with all testing. In addition to high quality machine, back in 2011 and found out many archives might test equipment if around 2500. And a-d tester may not be able to test all 12 metrics in guidelines, only a subset, but better than nothing. Library got a second system (600) and does a subset of metrics, but the output is more challenging then thought. Not be checking at highest levels. Downside to lower cost is the manual nature – on a one to one system. Now drafting a minimal level document and finalize reports to suggest adjust guidelines. [lots of standards and docs discussed. Asked kate for more details]