NDSA:Outreach Meeting Minutes 12-09-13
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Monday December 9, 2013, 3:00 p.m. EDT
- Discuss survey results
Attendees: Deborah Rossum, Erin Engle, Butch Lazorchak, Vickie Allen, Lauren Work (NDSR resident), Jaime Schumacher, Dan Dodge, Ingrid Hsieh-Yee
Meeting Notes
The group discussed the results of the recent [Fall_2013_Outreach_Strategic_Survey]NDSA Outreach WG survey Place value on face-to-face time. People want us to do substantive, engage community, alerting people to what's happening. Continue to reach out to allow museums and archives to be part of our time in advocating for digital stewardship. Coordinate across partners to have presentations at conferences or webinars.
Erin: talking about outreach activities Ingrid: need to set up the process for taking advantage of these activities, collecting presentations and sharing them. Our IMLS grant, helping to create and maintain blog for the NDSA. Also, more NDSA webinars. Things we individually cannot do, like organizational