NDSA:June 17, 2013 Standards and Practices Working Group Notes
Kate Z., Andrea G. (note-taker), Amy K., Butch L., Chris D., Dina S., Mary V., Meg P., Midge C., Sheila M., Winston A., Carl F.
New members
No new members to the call
Staffing Survey
Archiving the data
Winston reported that the second draft of the codebook has been completed. Mary and others at ICPSR will review it. Mary discussed the data archiving options. ICPSR has 2 options:
- Publication-related Archive (the data isn't checked, open access, the data gets a DOI)
- ICPSR general archive (data goes into a queue for additional processing, data reviewed by a data processor, released in multiple formats, data is only available to the ~700 members but is more visible because it's integrated into their systems)
Mary proposed a compromise to first publish it in the Publication-related Archive and then put it into the queue for the ICPSR general archive. We would need to make sure there's a link between the two. We are still aiming to complete this project in June although people are busy.
Final report
Andrea reported that this is close to being finished. It still needs an Executive Summary.