NDSA:Content WG March 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes

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NDSA Content Working Group March 7, 2012 11:03-11:40 am

Attendees (18)

  • Baker, Timothy D. | Maryland State Archives | timb@MDSA.NET
  • Cornwall, Daniel | Alaska State Library | daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV
  • Grotke, Abbie | Web Archiving Team Lead, Library of Congress, and Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | abgr@LOC.GOV | 202-707-2833 | @agrotke
  • Hanna, Kristine | Internet Archive | kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG
  • Hartman, Cathy | Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas/ Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU
  • Howard, Rachel | Digital Initiatives Librarian, University of Louisville | rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU
  • Knies, Jennie | Manager, Digital Collections, University of Maryland | levjen@UMD.EDU
  • McAninch, Glen | Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives | Glen.McAninch@ky.gov
  • McMillan, Gail | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | gailmac@vt.edu
  • Moffatt, Christie | National Library of Medicine | moffattc@mail.nlm.nih.gov
  • Nicholson, Shawn | Assistant Director of Libraries| Michigan State University | nicho147@msu.edu
  • Rau, Erik | Hagley Museum and Library | erau@hagley.org
  • Reib, Linda | Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records | lreib@LIB.AZ.US
  • Rossum, Deborah |Digital Content Manager| SCOLA |712-566-2202| drossum@SCOLA.ORG
  • Seneca, Tracy | California Digital Library | Tracy.Seneca@ucop.edu
  • Stierholz, Katrina |Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | katrina.l.stierholz@stls.frb.org
  • Weise, John | Manager of the Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) at the University of Michigan | jweise@UMICH.EDU
  • Wurl, Joel | National Endowment for the Humanities | jwurl@neh.gov


Cathy (C) reviewed the agenda.

  • Discussion of the membership and organization of the content teams
  • Update from the Geospatial Content Team
  • Updates from action teams
  • Schedule next meeting of the full Content WG membership

Update on Content Registry Action Team

Daniel (up early in Alaska) provided an update on Content Registry Action Team.

Spreadsheet issue straightened out. Needs volunteer to import it into ViewShare. Then pub. The reg form and digital preservation levels.

Background: digital preservation registry. Goal to create a resource to show what institutions are preserving what content at what level, i.e. definition of digit preservation—hardware, administrative policies, commitments; 3 levels each. Wants to have this info at a glance for resources of successful preservation efforts. Looked at existing registries and found that they were all actually digitization registries, not preservation registries. Therefore, created their own registry. Looking at LoC tool ViewShare, which provides geographical and subject perspectives on registry contents.

Needs volunteer w/ViewShare expertise to import and tweak info. Success! tracy.seneca@ucop.edu

To add collections, go here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&formkey=dHAwVE9odEVpTzZYdDJqcDJuZzdqRXc6MQ#gid=0

Discussion of the membership and organization of the content teams


Some small/one-member teams have been unsuccessful in getting additional members. Try putting out a call to NDSAall listserv, which may result in some new team participants.

  • Geospatial team has facilitator: Butch Lazorchak
  • News, Media, and Journalism: facilitator Kristine Hanna
  • Science, Mathematics, Technology and Medicine: Christie Moffatt
  • Social Sciences: Jared Lyle
  • No one yet for Arts or Government Teams.

Reporting for Geospatial team that met on Feb. 29: Glen McAninch

Several from GeoMap project. Discussed risks to preserving this info. Worked on mission statement. A: See wiki; edits through March 15. Then discuss future activities.

C: Did the template work well or not? A starting point. Feel free to add to it and to change headers. Use it to get the discussion going.

Glen: It was OK. A place to start. A number of technical issues. Put a call out for people to respond with issues and obstacles and risk factors.

Glen: good representation: gov, preservation, geospatial. First time bringing all these together. This is a follow-up to the GeoMap Project.

C&A will facilitate Big Picture Group.

Facilitators: call meetings, be sure notes are taken, communicate. Everyone in group is to participate. Facilitator is not a lifetime role.

Glen: in 2 groups. Government is logical fit. Government Team is based on an institution, rather than a subject. He volunteered to call a meeting of this rather amorphous group/topic. Who would take the reins?

C: in first meeting come to grips with the amorphous content—divide it; focus on one area initially—not whole topic focus from the beginning.

Glen: need for local government rep.

Linda Reib: will have time in April to help. Will co-facilitate w/Glen.

Glen: need an email registry of team members to agree on a time for first meeting.

Thanks to Glen and Linda for stepping up today.

A&C: co-facilitator is working really well. A: There are project pages on wiki to store information for each group/team.

Business and Economics: facilitator needed

Politics and Law: LoC folks being solicited. C: just let this one sit quietly for now.

Science, Mathematics, Technology and Medicine: Christie, facilitator, will organize a call this week or next. A: Trevor and Abbey P will be in touch. A: Park Service rep is coming. C: post a query to NDSA-all.

Social Science: Jared is the facilitator.

Shawn: Team has met once, outlined a path. Will focus 1st on statistics and numerical data. Started a Google Doc before moving to more public wiki.

History: facilitator needed

Arts & Humanities: facilitator needed

Religion and Philosophy: no members

Education: put this on hold after trying NDSA-all.

C&A: will continue to get unassigned members to commit.

Updates from action teams

See Daniel’s above.


  • Debrief: Web archiving survey conducted in Oct. 2011—she’s been working on this. Chuck and someone at NYU will help.
  • Non-update on blog preservation plugin. Wordpress is not responding.
  • C: possible code? Creative Commons plugins to Wordpress.
  • Need to regroup and decide how to proceed.
  • Partnership is not developing as initially implied.

Schedule next meeting of the full Content WG membership

Every other month.

A: April and then June? Next meeting will be April 4th at 11 ET. June 6 will be the next following meeting. C: Content Teams—all should meet in the meantime and post to wiki.

Joel Wurl suggested informal get together at IIPC. C: will use listserv to organize this.

A: April 30-May 30: International Internet Preservation consortium meeting at LoC. Monday, April 30th will be an open symposium (other days are members only). More details http://netpreserve.org/events/2012ga.php

Many thanks to Gail for taking minutes today!