NDSA:Content teams

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These teams are a work in progress as of Feb 18 and may be regrouped. Feel free to add your name or suggest revisions to these groups.


  • Cornwall, Daniel | Alaska State Library | daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV

Politics and Law

Maps and Geography (or Geospatial?)

  • Abrams, Brett | National Records and Archives Administration | Brett.Abrams@nara.gov
  • Faundeen, John, Archivist | U.S. Geological Survey | faundeen@usgs.gov

News, Media, and Journalism

  • Grotke, Abbie | Web Archiving Team Lead, Library of Congress, and Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | abgr@LOC.GOV | 202-707-2833 | @agrotke


Mathematics and Technology

Social Sciences

  • Lyle, Jarod | University of Michigan/Data-PASS | lyle@umich.edu

World History and Cultures

American History

Arts and Culture

Religion and Philosophy

Unassigned members:

  • Allen, Vickie | PBS | vlallen@pbs.org
  • Anderson, Janice Snyder | Georgetown University Law Library | anderjan@law.georgetown.edu
  • Anderson, Martha | Director, NDIIPP, Library of Congress | mande@loc.gov
  • Anum, Ogechi | Los Angeles Public Library | oanum@lapl.org
  • Apt, Ira | MAM-A | Ira.apt@mam-a.com
  • Baker, Timothy D. | Maryland State Archives | timb@MDSA.NET
  • Beers, Elizabeth | University of Michigan | embeers@umich.edu
  • Crabtree, Johnathan | University of North Carolina | jonathan_crabtree@UNC.EDU
  • Cruse, Patricia | California Digital Library | patricia.cruse@UCOP.EDU
  • Davis, Jan | Oklahoma Department of Libraries | jdavis@OLTN.ODL.STATE.OK.US
  • Dietrich, Chris | National Park Service | Chris_Dietrich@nps.gov
  • Downs, Robert | CIESIN, Columbia University | rdowns@ciesin.columbia.edu
  • Fenton, Eileen | Ithaka | eileen.fenton@ITHAKA.ORG
  • Fido-Radin, Ben | Rhizome | ben.finoradin@rhizome.org
  • Frick, Rachel | Council on Independent and Research Libraries (CLIR) | rfrick@clir.org
  • Gainer, Matt | University of Southern California | gainer@usc.edu
  • Hanna, Kristine | Internet Archive | kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG
  • Harrison, Anne | Federal Library & Information Center Committee (FLICC) | anha@loc.gov
  • Hartman, Cathy | Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas/ Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU
  • Haws, Barbara | New York Philharmonic | hawsb@nyphil.org
  • Howard, Rachel | Digital Initiatives Librarian, University of Louisville | rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU
  • Jaja, Joseph | University of Maryland | josephj@UMD.EDU
  • Jordon, Sharon | Office of Science and Technical Information | jordans@otsi.gov
  • Kepley, David | NARA | david.kepley@nara.gov
  • Klein, Kris (formerly Ogilvie) | Digital Programs Consultant, California State Library | kklein@LIBRARY.CA.GOV
  • Knies, Jennie | Manager, Digital Collections, University of Maryland | levjen@UMD.EDU
  • Kuan, Christine | Artstor | christine.kuan@artstor.org
  • Maes, Margaret | Legal Information Preservation Alliance | mkmaes@gmail.com
  • Martin, Kevin | Hagley Museum and Library | kmartin@hagley.org
  • Maynard, Marc | University of Connecticut | marc.maynard@UCONN.EDU
  • McAninch, Glen | Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives | Glen.McAninch@ky.gov
  • McMillan, Gail | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | gailmac@vt.edu
  • Moffatt, Christie | National Library of Medicine | moffattc@mail.nlm.nih.gov
  • Muller, Chris | Muller Media Conversions | chris.muller@mullermedia.com
  • Nicholson, Shawn | Assistant Director of Libraries| Michigan State University | nicho147@msu.edu
  • Norman, Jody | Division of Libraries and Information Services, Florida Department of State | jnorman@DOS.STATE.FL.US
  • Ortner, Brian | SCOLA | bortner@scola.org
  • Owens, Trevor | Library of Congress | trow@loc.gov
  • Pittman, Kitty | Oklahoma Department of Libraries | kpittman@OLTN.ODL.STATE.OK.US
  • Post, Anne | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | anne_post@fws.gov
  • Potter, Abbey | Library of Congress | abpo@LOC.GOV
  • Pulford, Curtis | Wisconsin Department of Administration | curtis.pulford@WISCONSIN.GOV
  • Rau, Erik | Hagley Museum and Library | erau@hagley.org
  • Reib, Linda | Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records | lreib@LIB.AZ.US
  • Ritter, Jennifer | Center for Cultural and Eco-Tourism-University of Louisiana at Lafayette | jritter@LOUISIANA.EDU
  • Rossum, Deborah |Digital Content Manager| SCOLA |712-566-2202| drossum@SCOLA.ORG
  • Rumsey, Abby Smith | Library of Congress/NDIIPP | abby@arumsey.com
  • Simon, James | Center for Research Libraries | jsimon@crl.edu
  • Smorul, Mike | University of Maryland | toaster@umiacs.umd.edu
  • Steele, Patricia | University of Maryland | pasteele@umd.edu
  • Stierholz, Katrina |Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | katrina.l.stierholz@stls.frb.org
  • Stoller, Michael | New York University | Michael.stoller@NYU.EDU
  • Swanson, Kevin | Maryland State Archives | kevins@MDARCHIVES.STATE.MD.US
  • Swanson, Rebecca | SCOLA | rswanson@scola.org
  • Tadic, Linda | Audiovisual Archive Network |ltadic@archivenetwork.org
  • Timmons, Michelle | Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes | michele.timmons@REVISOR.MN.GOV
  • Veatch, Matt | Kansas State Historical Society | mveatch@kshs.org
  • Vergara-Bautista, Gina | Hawaii State Archives | gina.s.vergara-bautista@hawaii.gov
  • Walch, Victoria | Council of State Archivists | vwalch@statearchivists.org
  • Weible, Arlene | Oregon State Library | arlene.weible@STATE.OR.US
  • Weise, John | Manager of the Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) at the University of Michigan | jweise@UMICH.EDU
  • Weisenbach, Joe | MAM-A | joe.weisenbach@mam-a.com
  • Wilkin, John | University of Michigan / Hathi Trust | jpwilkin@UMICH.EDU
  • Wurl, Joel | National Endowment for the Humanities | jwurl@neh.gov