NDSA:Summer of code
NDSA Innovation Working Group Below are notes from the NDSA Challenge Challenge Workshop on this tipic from, July 20, 2011. They can serve as the basis of planning for this group.
Google Summer of Code Workshop Notes
- Google Summer of Code proposal needs to be something that can be done in 6-8 weeks. What do you get out of it, and what do they get out of it? For this year, see: http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2011.
- To submit a project you either:
- specify problem or tasks, or
- you can provide content and ask “ what can you do with this?”
- We could propose two projects: one problem and one content set.
- Problem areas:
- Open source tool for data collection tool about standards and practices.
- Crowd-sourcing transcription tools – merge different approaches (structured data vs. just entry of text).
- Crowd-sourcing transcription of video – tag it in different ways
- APIs – Google data visualization plugins or data source plugins -- extending those tools for our community data. Need some way to select facets or elements of the metadata standard.
- Extract metadata using API -- for example from a geodatabase (Generalize extraction of metadata).
- Bag-it plug-ins for gmail.
- Quantify user feedback on what people want or are using, and the way people are using it (maybe including sitesearch analytics).
- Compelling ways of linking data sets using open linked data concepts or other concepts.
- Content:
- Build something that is an ongoing marketing tool of NDSA. Point them to source materials and develop some cool apps (i.e., geo-located data).
- Wallpaper for NDSA image of the day.
- Digital preservation clock.
- Schedule for Google Summer of Code application (February-March). March 11 was the deadline for 2011, for example.
- Action Item #1: Kris and Carolyn will get together on proposal for crowd-sourcing for transcription options – possibly including linked data and other options (cite examples like NYPL).
- Action item #2: All will propose possible publicly available content sets that we might put together as a proposal for building a cool app.
Other models:
- GML relay. Vendors import from each other and exchange data. For the purpose of pushing open standards.
- Hackfest (UK, usually regional). Pick set of challenges. Or THATCamp.
- Topcoder – coding contests.
NDSA Workshop Participants
- Kris Carpenter Negulescu
- Micah Altman
- Raphael Barbau
- Kate Murray
- Michael Levy
- Carolyn Sheffield
- Liz Madden
- Steve Morris