NDSA:Broadening and Networking the Field of Research in Digital Preservation
Broadening and Networking the Field of Research in Digital Preservation
Action Team Members
- George Oates, Internet Archive
- Dan Dodge, Thomson Reuters
- Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Project Overview
This project will develop a plan to bring individuals outside of the organizations and specialties currently participating in the NDSA, but whose work is relevant to digital preservation, into conversation with the field. Examples of potential related fields include but are not limited to, digital archeology/forensics, virtualization of programming environments, material sciences, and humanities computing. The group will first develop a plan of action and scope to focus on a way to expand the network of individuals and researchers. This team's work might include hosting a set of interviews, dialogs, or talks which could be shared on a blog, as a webinar series, or through some other communications platform. The action team will communicate over email and report their work on their wiki page. Email Trevor Owens (trow@loc.gov)if you would like to participate.