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Openlab Workshop

Help us understand what needs to "change" in the GLAM* sector and humanities, and how to change it

*GLAM = Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums December 1: Free Unconference and Ignite Talks to open up the conversation and put sharp new ideas on the table, 2pm - 8pm (register) December 2: A small meeting to digest what happened on Dec 1, debate the Openlab Concept, and plan a course forward (full / registration closed)

Openlab is envisioned as a solutions lab, convener, and consultancydesigned to accelerate the speed and impact of transformational changein the GLAM (gallery, library, archive, and museum) sectorOpenlab Concept one-pager

We'll be using this wiki to plan and execute the December 1-2 Openlab Workshop. Anyone can view everything on this wiki, but you'll need to become a member if you want to make comments or edits. (To request a membership click the little doohickey in the top right corner of the window.)

File:Icon-registrationAndInfo.pngClick here for registration info and logistics

File:Logo-BPOC-Logo.png Balboa Park Online Collaborative and Historypin join as our newest supporting Partners

More than 80 organizations will be represented at the Openlab Workshop

December 1st Ignite speakers announced!!!

Samantha Abrams, Kibibi Ajanku, Nik Apostolides, Elizabeth Barton, Fenella France, Elissa Frankle, Jeffrey Inscho Lesley Kadish, Monica Montgomery, Kevin Novak, Eli Pousson, Rebecca Stavick, Chad Weinard, Beth Harris and Steven Zucker --> Read all about it!

Openlab Workshop call-to-action

media type="youtube" key="76zG8bX4sw0" width="455" height="259" Video: Openlab Workshop teaser/trailer


Click here for registration info and logistics

Why you should join us or follow online:

  • Follow us on Twitter to stay in touch with news, debates, and calls-to-action. @OpenlabW Hashtag: #openlabworkshop
  • Come to the Unconference on December 1st. (free, but registration is required)
  • Get your organization involved as a Partner (Ask me how! user:edsonm)
  • Follow-along via Twitter, video stream, and this wiki on December 1 and 2

Info and registration for December 1, 2015 Ignite and Unconference in the Washington DC area

File:Openlab Twitter: [[1]] Hashtag: #openlabworkshop

Update from Openlab's primary funder, the National Endowment for the Humanities

[Awards a Cooperative Agreement to the Council on Library and Information Resources for the Openlab Workshop]

About the Openlab Concept The National Endowment for the Humanities has funded, through a collaborative agreement with the Council on Libraries and Information Resources (CLIR), a two-day workshop and unconference to explore the Openlab concept. The workshop will be held on December 1-2 in the Washington, DC area.

Openlab Workshop Organizers and Co-Conveners The Openlab Workshop is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities [of Digital Humanities] and [of Public Programs] in a cooperative agreement with The Council on Library and Information Resources. Workshop organizers and co-conveners are the American Alliance of Museums [for the Future of Museums], [American Library Association] [for the Future of Libraries], The [Public Library of America], the [Library Federation] and [New!] the Metropolitan New York Library Council.

File:Openlabworkshop/Logo neh 50 logo 2color.jpg File:Openlabworkshop/LogoAlliance logo FullColorOnWhite.jpg File:Openlabworkshop/LogoAAM Sub-Brand2 File:Openlabworkshop/Logo ala stacked.jpg File:Openlabworkshop/logo DPLA.png File:Openlabworkshop/DLF Logo.png

#partnersOpenlab Workshop Partners

Workshop partners support the Openlab Workshop through leadership, participation, and/or financial support for the Unconference and Ignite talks.

File:Openlabworkshop/logo-BPOC-Logo.png File:Openlabworkshop/EU basic logo landscape black.png File:Openlabworkshop/Logo-CapVisCntr c.png File:Openlabworkshop/New.pngWe are thrilled to welcome the [Park Online Collaborative] as our newest Openlab Workshop Partner!

Watch this space for news...

Watch this wiki and @openlabw, [[5]], [[6]] and @CLIRDLF on Twitter, as well as your favorite mailing lists and hashtags for news and updates. Email: openlabworkshop [at] gmail [dot] com Contact me user:edsonm



Twitter: [[7]] Hashtag: [[8]]