Openlab Workshop
Help us understand what needs to "change" in the GLAM* sector and humanities, and how to change it
*GLAM = Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums December 1: Free Unconference and Ignite Talks to open up the conversation and put sharp new ideas on the table, 2pm - 8pm (register) December 2: A more traditional sit-down workshop to digest what happened on Dec 1, debate the Openlab Concept, and plan a course forward (invitation-only)
Openlab is envisioned as a solutions lab, convener, and consultancydesigned to accelerate the speed and impact of transformational changein the GLAM (gallery, library, archive, and museum) sectorOpenlab Concept one-pager
We'll be using this wiki to plan and execute the December 1-2 Openlab Workshop. Anyone can view everything on this wiki, but you'll need to become a member if you want to make comments or edits. (To request a membership click the little doohickey in the top right corner of the window.)
More than 65 organizations will be represented at the Openlab Workshop
File:Openlabworkshop/New.pngDecember 1st Ignite speakers announced!!!
File:Openlabworkshop/ignite-allSpeakers.png Samantha Abrams, Kibibi Ajanku, Nik Apostolides, Elizabeth Barton, Fenella France, Elissa Frankle, Jeffrey Inscho Lesley Kadish, Kevin Novak, Eli Pousson, Rebecca Stavick, Chad Wenard, Beth Harris and Steven Zucker --> Read all about it!
Openlab Workshop call-to-action
media type="youtube" key="76zG8bX4sw0" width="455" height="259" Video: Openlab Workshop teaser/trailer
Click here for registration info and logistics
Why you should join us or follow online:
- Follow us on Twitter to stay in touch with news, debates, and calls-to-action. @OpenlabW Hashtag: #openlabworkshop
- Come to the Unconference on December 1st. (free, but registration is required)
- Get your organization involved as a Partner (Ask me how! user:edsonm)
- Follow-along via Twitter, video stream, and this wiki on December 1 and 2
Info and registration for December 1, 2015 Ignite and Unconference in the Washington DC area
Twitter: [[1]] Hashtag: #openlabworkshop
Update from Openlab's primary funder, the National Endowment for the Humanities
About the Openlab Concept
The National Endowment for the Humanities has funded, through a collaborative agreement with the Council on Libraries and Information Resources (CLIR), a two-day workshop and unconference to explore the Openlab concept. The workshop will be held on December 1-2 in the Washington, DC area.
Openlab Workshop Organizers and Co-Conveners
The Openlab Workshop is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities [of Digital Humanities] and [of Public Programs] in a cooperative agreement with The Council on Library and Information Resources.
Workshop organizers and co-conveners are the American Alliance of Museums [for the Future of Museums], [American Library Association] [for the Future of Libraries], The [Public Library of America], the [Library Federation] and [New!] the Metropolitan New York Library Council.
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#partnersOpenlab Workshop Partners
Workshop partners support the Openlab Workshop through leadership, participation, and/or financial support for the Unconference and Ignite talks.
File:Openlabworkshop/EU basic logo landscape black.png File:Openlabworkshop/Logo-CapVisCntr c.png
File:Openlabworkshop/New.pngWe are thrilled to welcome Europeana and Smarthistory as our newest Openlab Workshop Partners!
Watch this space for news...
Watch this wiki and @openlabw, [[4]], [[5]] and @CLIRDLF on Twitter, as well as your favorite mailing lists and hashtags for news and updates. Email: openlabworkshop [at] gmail [dot] com Contact me user:edsonm