NDSA:Tuesday, September 27, 2016

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Attendance (from Uberconference list, call-ins not recorded):

Kevin McCarthy Martin Kong Nick Krabbenhoeft Carol Kussman Alec Bradley Mike Muraszko Cal Lee Chih-Lan Olson

Library of Congress Storage Architecture meeting http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/meetings/storage16.html

Industry vendors and practitioners Within next decade, all expect their major technologies to be insufficient for the amount of data we'll have. DNA storage even 10-20 years before it comes to market

IDC report: data growth at 40% each year. This is not reflected in request for storage needs. Question on how that report is data generated, not stored.

Object storage Q+A. Question on reliability and longevity of POSIX as a storage system. Object file store has greater usability.

Facebook - discussed optical system. Extending the use of Blue-Ray disks, similar to tape drives, pulled by robots, loaded into reader, etc. 100GB/disk. Planning to et to 1TB/disk in 5 years. Sony/Panasonic are partners, but not compatible system. FB has petabytes of archival content.

Interest in FB doing presentation to group.

Nick will look into providing a detailed agenda with list of speakers.

Fixity notes (from 8/31 Fixity meeting):

*   Over the next two weeks Michelle Gallinger and I will make a preliminary draft of a 10 question survey and share with the group.
 *   The scope of the survey will be limited to the structure and topics of the NDSA Fixity Guidance Report, in order to map our questions to those best-practices.
 *   The survey will conclude with request for participation in developing case studies describing fixity systems and implementations.