NDSA:June 18, 2012 Standards Working Group Notes
Action Items
- People are encouraged to send brief updates on conference attendance and summaries to the email list.
Workshop/Conferences/Cool Stuff to Share
- Linda attended Screening the Future Conference in CA which dealt with audio/visual content. It was organized by the PrestoCentre Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute and Digital Repository. Some of the Master Classes were good and others not so much. One take-away is that a number of university's are setting up digital preservation services not just for themselves, but opening them up to external organizations. These appear to be robust back-up services. For example, if you are a UCS faculty, you can pay per TB for 20 years. For an external party it is $4200 for 1 TB for 5 years. The tapes are loaded onto a robotic system and they run fixity checks every 6 months. They will migrate the media every 2 years. The backup includes 2 copies on campus at USC. A party could pay for a 3rd copy to be stored at Clemson University. CDL PPT is on-line (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CFMQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ucop.edu%2Fdownload%2Fattachments%2F163610649%2FScreening-the-future-UC3-cost-model.pptx%3Fversion%3D1%26modificationDate%3D1337056116485&ei=WnLfT-zRHoLa6gHI0ayhCw&usg=AFQjCNH_7sqLGB2Na3LxsG9MG-B1oYEywg&sig2=Ec91h9vj7_bQyLxN8rEJnA). CDL was $1400 per TB per year for internal folks.
- Mat Shultz and his colleagues from MetaArchive where in Boston recently to attend several conferences. One was Digital Directions (where Katherine talked about community sourcing). He was at another that focussed on the lifecycle and preservation needs of e-thesis and dissertations. MetaArchive.org/imls can check out the Wiki. Conferences were really interesting.
- MetaArchive is also looking into new grant project to look at preservation of digital newspapers.