NDSA:Content Working Group

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Content Working Group

File:NDSAContentWorkingGroupCharter 121010.rtf Content Working Group Charter

Statement of Purpose

The Content Working Group will focus on identifying content already preserved, investigating guidelines for the selection of significant content, discovery of at-risk digital content or collections, and matching orphan content with NDSA partners who will acquire the content, preserve it, and provide access to it.

Current Content Working Group Members

Alaska State Library - Daniel Cornwall - daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV

Alaska State Library - Glenn Cook - glenn.cook@ALASKA.GOV

Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records - Pete Watters - pwatters@LIB.AZ.US

BMS Chace - John Spencer - jspencer@BMSCHACE.COM

California Digital Library - Patricia Cruse - patricia.cruse@UCOP.EDU

California State Library - Kris Ogilvie - kogilvie@LIBRARY.CA.GOV

Division of Libraries and Information Services, Florida Department of State - Jody Norman - jnorman@DOS.STATE.FL.US

Harvard University - Micah Altman - micah_altman@HARVARD.EDU

Idaho Historical Society - Elizabeth Falk - elizabeth.falk@ISHS.IDAHO.GOV,

Internet Archive - Kris Carpenter - kcarpenter@ARCHIVE.ORG

Internet Archive - Kristine Hanna - kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG

Ithaka - Eileen Fenton - eileen.fenton@ITHAKA.ORG

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives - Barbara Teague -barbara.teague@KY.GOV

Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives – Glen McAninch - Glen.McAninch@ky.gov

Library of Congress - Abbey Potter - abpo@LOC.GOV

Library of Congress - Abbie Grotke - abgr@LOC.GOV

Library of Congress - Martha Anderson - mande@LOC.GOV

Library of Congress – Trevor Owens – trow@loc.gov

Library of Congress/NDIIPP – Abby Smith Rumsey – abby@arumsey.com

Maryland State Archives - Kevin Swanson - kevins@MDARCHIVES.STATE.MD.US

Maryland State Archives - Timothy D. Baker - timb@MDSA.NET

MetaArchive Alliance - Martin Halbert - martin.halbert@UNT.EDU

Minnesota Historical Society - Robert Horton - robert.horton@MNHS.ORG

Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes - Michele Timmons - michele.timmons@REVISOR.MN.GOV

New York University - Michael Stoller - Michael.stoller@NYU.EDU

Oregon State Library - Arlene Weible - arlene.weible@STATE.OR.US

Roper Center - Mark Abrahamson - m.abrahamson@COX.NET

SCOLA - Deborah Rossum - drossum@SCOLA.ORG

University of Connecticut - Lois Timms-Ferrara - lois.timmsferrara@UCONN.EDU

University of Connecticut - Marc Maynard - marc.maynard@UCONN.EDU

University of Louisville - Rachel Howard - rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU

University of Maryland - Jennie Knies levjen@UMD.EDU

University of Maryland – Patricia Steele pasteele@umd.edu

University of Maryland - Mathew Kirschenbaum - mkirschenbaum@GMAIL.COM

University of Maryland - Mike Smorul - toaster@umiacs.umd.edu

University of Maryland - Joseph JaJa josephj@UMD.EDU

University of Michigan – Data-PASS - Amy Pienta (apienta@umich.edu) and John Weise - jweise@UMICH.EDU

University of North Carolina - Gary Marchionini - gary@ILS.UNC.EDU

University of North Carolina - Johnathan Crabtree - jonathan_crabtree@UNC.EDU

University of North Texas - Cathy Hartman - cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU

WGHB - Karen Cariani - karen_cariani@WGBH.ORG

Wisconsin Department of Administration - Curtis Pulford - curtis.pulford@WISCONSIN.GOV

Current Meeting Schedule

The initial meetings of the Working Group were held:

November 5, 2010 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET December 8, 2010 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET

In 2011, regular Webex meetings will be from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET the first Wednesday of each month:

January 5, 2011 February 2, 2011 March 2, 2011 April 6, 2011 May 4, 2011 June 1, 2011 July 7, 2011 August 3, 2011 September 7, 2011 October 5, 2011 November 2, 2011 December 7, 2011

Webex instructions will be sent prior to each meeting. [[NDSA:Media:NDSA:Media:Example.ogg]]