NDSA:Standards survey planning page

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This project idea was born out of the I can haz standards workshop at NDIPP 2011. When talking about our other survey of the standards landscape project, some NDSA members said that what would be of interest to them is knowing what standards/best practices are actually in use at our institutions. An annual survey of standards usage by institutions engaged in digital preservation efforts would not take a huge level of effort and the results would be of great interest to NDSA member institutions (and perhaps more broadly). We could advertise the existence of this survey on the NDSA mailing lists as well as to other digital preservation mailing lists and discussion forums.

The survey could:

  • measure the usage of digital preservation standards / best practices
  • help identify standards / best practices not already documented (complements our Wikipedia project)
  • (and in later years) track trends over time in standards usage
  • Is there anything else we want to measure (awareness of, etc.)?