NDSA:Content Registry Action Team Minutes 2011-05-27

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Content Registry Action Team, Phone Call, Minutes, May 27, 2011


Jennie Knies (notetaker), Dan Cornwall, Abbie Grotke, Rachel Howard, Christie Moffatt, Kris Ogilvie

1. Survey Results • 1/3 of NDSA member participants responded (good results!) Question 1 (who uses registries?) • 1/3 of respondents making use of third party registry to register digital collections • Certain number of respondents do not have digital collections, and are looking to the NDSA to help develop these • Some members have dark archives and do not register them because they do not want people to contact them about materials they cannot access Question 2 (What registries do people use?) General consensus - people tend to use the registries that are the most automated. We may have to develop our own registry because there does not appear to be one place that everyone is using to register their content. • NDIIPP partner collections • OAIster/OCLC Digital Collections Gateway Question 3 (Would your institution register content if one were created?) • Yes! If it were easy and the information about public/private access were clear, people would be willing to participate Summary: Registry should be easy to use, should distinguish between public and private data?

2. Should we build our own registry? Do we have the resources to do this?

Can we build on Recollection? Can it be made more user-friendly? Can we bring this to the July meeting? Perhaps people can upload via spreadsheet? Brainstorming meeting for selected set of fields.

Decision: We will build our own registry system and we will put out a suggested list of fields to load into Recollection to create our registry that way and will consult with our colleagues about the fields, etc.

Definition of "collection" as a "group of items." Defined by the institution. How do we define "preservation-level." Need to make this very clear that this is a preservation registry.

3. Workshop in July

Let's not do one! What is the best way to get alliance input on the registry idea? We will send out another survey before July.