NDSA:Content WG June 1, 2011 Meeting Minutes

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NDSA Content Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 11am EST

Attendees (15)

[Note to attendees: If we left anyone off, please add your name or let Abbie know and I'll add it]

  • Baker, Timothy D. | Maryland State Archives | timb@MDSA.NET
  • Faundeen, John, Archivist | U.S. Geological Survey | faundeen@usgs.gov
  • Grotke, Abbie | Web Archiving Team Lead, Library of Congress, and Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | abgr@LOC.GOV | 202-707-2833 | @agrotke
  • Hanna, Kristine | Internet Archive | kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG
  • Harrison, Anne | Federal Library & Information Center Committee (FLICC) | anha@loc.gov
  • Hartman, Cathy | Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas/ Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU
  • Howard, Rachel | Digital Initiatives Librarian, University of Louisville | rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU
  • Maes, Margaret | Legal Information Preservation Alliance | mkmaes@gmail.com
  • McAninch, Glen | Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives | Glen.McAninch@ky.gov
  • Moffatt, Christie | National Library of Medicine | moffattc@mail.nlm.nih.gov
  • Pulford, Curtis | Wisconsin Department of Administration | curtis.pulford@WISCONSIN.GOV
  • Rossum, Deborah |Digital Content Manager| SCOLA |712-566-2202| drossum@SCOLA.ORG
  • Rumsey, Abby Smith | Library of Congress/NDIIPP | abby@arumsey.com
  • Stoller, Michael | New York University | Michael.stoller@NYU.EDU
  • Weise, John | Manager of the Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) at the University of Michigan | jweise@UMICH.EDU

Action Team Updates

1) Content Registry Team Christie and Rachel reported on the registry group's meeting last Friday where the group reviewed the recent survey results about whether people do already or would participate in a registry. Half of respondents said they were registering content somewhere, but there was no clear leader. Seemed like a reason to create our own registry. We're looking at Recollection tool more and hope to learn from NDSA members what would motivate them to participate. Ease of access and participation is clearly important. Cathy added that enabling of auto-harvesting would be great.

What is "preserved" was also discussed - what a preserved collection means in our registry. We will leave it up to institutions to self identify as preserved based on the ALA definition. Another survey will be done soon to determine what fields will be essential, and the minimum of what we would need to develop. No workshop will be held at the July meeting.

2) Clearinghouse Team Kristine reported. Workshop will be held. The plan is to provide ahead of time the excel spreadsheet data in a more user-friendly diagram for folks to look at before the workshop. And, examples of at-risk content. Will ask CWG members to help as she begins to pull these together.

Planning for NDSA Workshops

So, one workshop from CWG - for the clearinghouse group. The NDIIPP meeting planning team is reviewing proposals this week. Details about registration/schedule should be coming soon. Abbie will forward. This link has the most current information: http://digitalpreservation.gov/news/events/ndiipp_meetings/ndiipp11/index.html

The WG is still hoping to do a working dinner Wednesday night. Would like to meet after the workshop. Some folks traveling Monday night, others Tuesday morning, so Tuesday morning not ideal. Kristine will survey to see what times would be good.

Other projects?

Abbie asked members to contact her and Cathy if there are other ideas for projects (big or small) that the Content Working Group could be focusing on. We want to be sure members are engaged and working on projects of interest to them and their institutions.

Next Meeting

Our next call will be July 6 at 11am EST. Agenda and call details to be sent a few days prior.
