NDSA:Tuesday, September 27, 2016

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NDSA Infrastructure Working Group Call Tuesday, September 27, 2pm-3pm ET

In Attendance

(from Uberconference list, call-ins not recorded so please add your name if you called in) Kevin McCarthy Martin Kong Nick Krabbenhoeft Carol Kussman Alec Bradley Mike Muraszko Cal Lee Chih-Lan Olson

Agenda Items

  1. Update from Library of Congress Storage meeting
  2. Fixity Working group update
  3. Other Updates or outstanding items from previous meeting?

Call-in: To join go to: https://www.uberconference.com/clir-dlf or Call 202-750-4186. No PIN needed.

Meeting minutes

== Library of Congress Storage Architecture meeting



Industry vendors and practitioners Within next decade, all expect their major technologies to be insufficient for the amount of data we'll have. DNA storage even 10-20 years before it comes to market

IDC report: data growth at 40% each year. This is not reflected in request for storage needs. Question on how that report is data generated, not stored.

Object storage Q+A. Question on reliability and longevity of POSIX as a storage system. Object file store has greater usability.

Facebook - discussed optical system. Extending the use of Blue-Ray disks, similar to tape drives, pulled by robots, loaded into reader, etc. 100GB/disk. Planning to et to 1TB/disk in 5 years. Sony/Panasonic are partners, but not compatible system. FB has petabytes of archival content.

Interest in FB doing presentation to group.

Nick will look into providing a detailed agenda with list of speakers.

Fixity notes

(from 8/31 Fixity meeting):
*   Over the next two weeks Michelle Gallinger and I will make a preliminary draft of a 10 question survey and share with the group.
 *   The scope of the survey will be limited to the structure and topics of the NDSA Fixity Guidance Report, in order to map our questions to those best-practices.
 *   The survey will conclude with request for participation in developing case studies describing fixity systems and implementations.

Action Items

Next Working Group Meeting

October meeting canceled due to PASIG meeting Tuesday November 29, 2-3pm ET
