NDSA:Content Registry Action Team

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Content Registry Action Team (Group A)

Description of Work

Develop or contribute to a registry of content already preserved by NDSA members.

Action Team Members

  • LEADER: Daniel Cornwall, Alaska State Library (daniel.cornwall@alaska.gov)
  • Rachel Howard, University of Louisville (rachel.howard@LOUISVILLE.EDU)
  • Daniel Cornwall, Alaska State Library (daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV)
  • Kris Ogilvie, California State Library (kogilvie@LIBRARY.CA.GOV)
  • Jennie Knies, University of Maryland (levjen@UMD.EDU)
  • Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress (abgr@loc.gov)
  • Trevor Owens, Library of Congress (trow@loc.gov)
  • Arlene Weible, Oregon State Library (arlene.weible@state.or.us)
  • Tim Baker, Maryland State Archives (timb@mdsa.net)

If you are interesting in joining this Action Team, please contact Daniel Cornwall, Abbie Grotke or Cathy Hartman to sign up.