NDSA:June 4 Meeting Minutes
June 4 CWG Meeting Minutes
Attendees (38)
- Linda Reib - AZ State Archives
- Chris
- Deborah Rossum
- erin engle
- Edward McCain
- Sara Holladay
- Paul/Sara/Xiaomei, U Iowa
- Jennie Knies, University of Maryland
- Christie Moffatt
- Joel Wurl
- Glen McAninch
- Lori Donovan
- Amy Kirchhoff
- Jennifer Weintraub
- Rebecca Johnson Melvin/U Delaware
- Amy Hodge
- Rachel Howard
- JR
- Paul/Sara/Xiaomei, U Iowa
- Paul/Sara/Xiaomei, U Iowa
- Midge Coates (Auburn)
- Lisa Schmidt
- Rachel Wise
- Mitchell Brown
- Butch Lazorchak
- Mark Phillips
- Aaisha Haykal, CSU
- Cathy Hartman
- Sara Holladay
- Gail Truman
- Abbie Grotke
- Amy Hodge
- Jaime - NIU
- Kevin McCarthy
- Ricc Ferrante (Smithsonian Institution)
- Alex Duryee (AVPreserve)
- Chad Garrett
- Gail McMillan
This is the fourth and last in our series of talks about the Content Areas outlined in the 2014 National Agenda. This month we focused on Research Data. We had two presentations:
Paul Soderdahl (along with his colleauges Sara Scheib and Xiaomei Gu) was up first, discussing Data Management at the University of Iowa and their Data Management Survey. Their slides are here:
Then we heard from Mark Phillips from UNT. His slides are here: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc288009/