NDSA:PDF Exploration
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Title of Activity or Project
NDSA PDF/A-3 Scoping Project
One Sentence Description:
NDSA PDF/A-3 Scoping Project working group members will research the pros and cons of using the PDF/A-3 standard as an all-purpose wrapper for various digital asset/media types including: textual, audio, video, photo, and GIS data.
Statement of the Problem and Goals for Addressing the Problem:
It is unclear whether PDF/A-3, which was designed to accommodate supplementary media files for text documents, is appropriate as a de facto normalization wrapper format for all media types. The goal is to develop guidelines for the appropriate use of PDF/A-3 with respect to different media types that includes both detailed technical information and a practical quick reference guide for end-users.
Strategic Value of Activity:
- Improve understanding of best practices for using PDF/A-3 in digital preservation activities
- Enhance consistency and improve long-term viability of digitally preserved content
- Provide guidance to those considering PDF/A-3 as a long-term archiving format
Required Resources:
- Time of working group members
- Publishing venue(s)
- Communication channels
- Hold regular working group conference calls (monthly, between NDSA Standards WG calls)
- Draft document and review
- Invite broader NDSA member feedback
- Publish document (digitalpreservation.gov, others?)
Dissemination of Knowledge:
- Publish report on digitalpreservation.gov
- Write a blog post
- Announce on NDSA member organization communication channels
- Present at conferences that members (and non-members?) are attending
Signifiers of Success and Outcomes:
- Completed guidelines document published on digitalpreservation.gov
- Guidelines document referenced on related Wikipedia pages
- Guidelines in use or recommended by NDSA participating organizations or others
- Publication at other conferences/other journals
Questions to Ask and Answer
- Talk about background (what is pdf/a-3 and how is it different from earlier versions of PDF/A)
- Iterate categories of materials/use cases/concrete examples where it makes sense to use A-3 and other categories where it doesn't make sense. Example: if you're sending a video file don't put it in a PDF! If you had a certain kind of a journal article that had a static version of the spreadsheet in the doc but a malleable version embedded perhaps that argues for it.
- Risks to the format (scenarios in why this might be bad and why)
- Possibilities of the format (scenarios in why this might be good and why)
- Have list of defined terms in our document. How do these relate to the terms in the ISO spec. Leverage NDSA Levels of Preservation glossary. Link to glossary.
PDF/A-3 Use Case Scenarios
Add them here! We can create a separate page as necessary.
Example: Federal agency with a document management system puts an MPEG video file (and nothing else) into a PDF/A-3 file to store and then, later, to submit as an SIP (Submission Information Package) to NARA for long-term management.
Example: Publisher has a text-only article and puts it into a PDF/A-3 file, even though, in the past, the publisher used PDF/A-2. The article is then sent to library where it will be preserved for the long term.
Example: Publisher has an article that includes a complicated table, "frozen" in place, and puts it into a PDF/A-3 file, along with the Excel file from which the table was generated, in order to make it easier for a future researcher to have a malleable version of the table for use when writing another article on the same subject.
Example: Data creator has a digital map, a report, a database, digital photos, and detailed metadata that comprise a whole and wants to archive these together for the long-term.
- Caroline Arms, Library of Congress (caar@loc.gov)
- Don Chalfant, NARA (Donald.Chalfant@nara.gov)
- Kevin DeVorsey, NARA (Kevin.DeVorsey@nara.gov)
- Chris Dietrich, National Park Service (chris_dietrich@nps.gov)
- Carl Fleischauer, Library of Congress (cfle@loc.gov)
- Butch Lazorchak, Library of Congress (wlaz@loc.gov)
- Sheila Morrissey, Ithaka (Sheila.Morrissey@ithaka.org)
- Kate Murrary, NARA (Kate.Murray1@nara.gov)
Calls and Notes
Call information:
- Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 866-469-3239
- Participant access code: 21408589
Next call: Tuesday Jan. 22, 2013, 2:00 P.M.
Background Materials
- Library of Congress Sustainability of Digital Formats DRAFT PDF/A-3 format description document (FDD) COMMENTS PLEASE to caar@loc.gov and cfle@loc.gov
- Blog Post on PDF/A-3 on the Signal
- Sheila M. Morrissey, The Network is the Format: PDF and the Long-term Use of Digital Content, Archiving 2012, pg. 200-203 (2012)
- Ithaka comments on ISO 19005-3 draft
- Caroline's document
- In future set up calls with Steve Levinson (U.S. Courts) and Leonard Rosenthal (Adobe)