NDSA:Government Content Team

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The Government Content Team is interested in the preservation of U.S. local, state, federal born digital content.

Team Facilitator

  • McAninch, Glen | Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives | Glen.McAninch@ky.gov [co-facilitator]
  • Reib, Linda | Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records | lreib@LIB.AZ.US [co-facilitator]

Team Members

  • Cornwall, Daniel | Alaska State Library | daniel.cornwall@ALASKA.GOV
  • Baker, Timothy D. | Maryland State Archives | timb@MDSA.NET
  • Stierholz, Katrina |Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | katrina.l.stierholz@stls.frb.org
  • Klein, Kris | Digital Programs Consultant, California State Library | kklein@LIBRARY.CA.GOV
  • Maes, Margaret | Legal Information Preservation Alliance | mkmaes@gmail.com
  • Kepley, David | NARA | david.kepley@nara.gov
  • Faundeen, John, Archivist | U.S. Geological Survey | faundeen@usgs.gov
  • Seneca,Tracy | California Digital Library | tracy.seneca@ucop.edu
  • Harrison, Anne | Federal Library & Information Center Committee (FLICC) | anha@loc.gov

Current Activities

  • Conference call March 26th to get the ball rolling
  • Appraisal of Local Government Information Action Team

An outcome of the CWG workshop, a need was determined for guidance on appraisal for local government information. This group has since been absorbed into the Government Content Team. http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=Content_teams


Next meeting is schedule for: (March 26th 2:00 -3:00PM)

Meeting Minutes (link to meeting minutes)