NDSA:Content WG September 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes

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NDSA Content Meeting Minutes

DRAFT UNFINISHED!! Wednesday, September 7, 2011 11:00 am ET

Attendees ()

  • Grotke, Abbie | Web Archiving Team Lead, Library of Congress, and Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | abgr@LOC.GOV | 202-707-2833 | @agrotke
  • Hanna, Kristine | Internet Archive | kristine@ARCHIVE.ORG
  • Hartman, Cathy | Associate Dean of Libraries, University of North Texas/ Co-Chair of the NDSA Content Working Group | cathy.hartman@UNT.EDU
  • Maes, Margaret | Legal Information Preservation Alliance | mkmaes@gmail.com
  • Rossum, Deborah |Digital Content Manager| SCOLA |712-566-2202| drossum@SCOLA.ORG
  • Weise, John | Manager of the Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) at the University of Michigan | jweise@UMICH.EDU

Local Gov Action Team

Margie talked about the call that the newly formed action team, and how some clarification of what it was they were supposed to be doing was needed. We talked about what was discussed at the breakout table at the July workshop, and really the need is to understand what is at risk in this area. More granularity with local government information categories is needed, there are different issues depending on the local environment. We talked about a survey, that might be useful to get a sense of some of the issues, and whether the states are providing any guidance to local governments about preservation and retention of digital information. Who is thinking about these issues at the state and local levels, and what's being done. Margie pointed out there are existing surveys that have been done; maybe a compilation of those into a list to share with others would be useful. We could capture information and promote as a part of NDSA.

Registry Action Team

Abbie and Kris reported on a call a few weeks back about the survey results and a discussion about the ALA definitions and self assessment. Kris is working on

Clearinghouse Action Team

No updates from Action team A.

Blog Preservation Action Team

Next Meeting

Our next call will be October 5 at 11am EST. Agenda and call details to be sent a few days prior.
