2016.01.12 Digital Library Pedagogy Twitter Chat
January 12, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern. Join in using the #DLFteach hashtag.
- Welcome to the first ever #DLFteach chat!
- We are incredibly excited by the response to this new group #DLFteach
- Today we’ll be introducing ourselves and beginning to hash out possible directions for #DLFteach
- Follow along with the #DLFteach hashtag, and don’t forget to include it in your responses along with the Q number (e.g. Q1)
- The questions will be Tweeted from @CLIRDLF #DLFteach
- Ready? Here we go! #DLFteach
- First, introduce yourself! #DLFteach
- Q1: What interests you about digital scholarship and/or digital pedagogy? #DLFteach
- Follow-up if needed: How do you define digital scholarship? #DLFteach
- Q2: How do you think digital library pedagogy differs from digital pedagogy? #DLFteach
- Follow-up if needed: How are you currently (or how do you wish you were) teaching with digital sources/methods? #DLFteach
- Q3: What resources for teaching and learning would be helpful to you? #DLFteach
- Q4: What subgroups would you like to see #DLFteach start?
- Follow-up if needed: Are you working on any current projects that the #DLFteach group could benefit from?
- Q5: What can the #DLFteach community accomplish in the next year? 2 years? 5 years?
- Thank you for participating in our inaugural #DLFteach chat!
- We will be in touch soon about our next steps and to start putting together working groups #DLFteach
- Don’t forget to join our Google Group to stay updated; more info at https://www.diglib.org/groups/digital-library-pedagogy #DLFteach
- [ Storify]
- [ TAGS spreadsheet]