NDSA:Tuesday, March 29, 2016: Difference between revisions

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== In Attendance ==
== In Attendance ==
* Ed Busch, Michigan State University
* Euan Cochrane, Yale University
* Felicity Dykas, University of Missouri
* Felicity Dykas, University of Missouri
* Ed Busch, Michigan State University
* Max Eckard, Bentley Historical Library
* Cynthia Ghering, Michagan State University
* Amy Kirchoff, Portico
* Nick Krabbenhoeft, NYPL
* Carol Kussman, University of Minnesotta
* Chris Muller, Muller Media Conversions
* Mike Murazko, WGBH
* Sibyl Schaefer, UC San Diego
* Sibyl Schaefer, UC San Diego
* Nick Krabbenhoeft, NYPL
* Cynthia Ghering, Michagan State University
* Max Eckard, Bentley Historical Library
* Linda Tadic, Digital Bedrock
* Linda Tadic, Digital Bedrock
* Carol Kussman, University of Minnesotta
* Mike Murazko
* Amy Kirchoff
* Chris Muller
* Euan Cochrane, Yale University

== Action Items ==
== Action Items ==

Revision as of 16:10, 29 March 2016

NDSA Infrastructure Working Group Call Tuesday, March 29, 2pm-3pm ET

In Attendance

  • Ed Busch, Michigan State University
  • Euan Cochrane, Yale University
  • Felicity Dykas, University of Missouri
  • Max Eckard, Bentley Historical Library
  • Cynthia Ghering, Michagan State University
  • Amy Kirchoff, Portico
  • Nick Krabbenhoeft, NYPL
  • Carol Kussman, University of Minnesotta
  • Chris Muller, Muller Media Conversions
  • Mike Murazko, WGBH
  • Sibyl Schaefer, UC San Diego
  • Linda Tadic, Digital Bedrock
  • DLF

Action Items

  • Review the NDSA Working Group proposal and send any questions or comments to Sibyl and Nick
  • Nick and Carol Kussman will draft questions for Lyrasis and DuraSpace about how their potential merger will effect current users of their services. They will share these questions to the listserv for comment.
  • Nick will work with the CUNY TV repository to schedule a presentation of their LTO-5 to LTO-7 migration
  • Chris Muller will contact Sibyl and Nick about presenting on vapor trails and storage
  • Sibyl will contact Art Pescanelli to schedule a presentation on the new Oracle cloud storage service
  • Amy Kirchoff will reach out to the Standards group to gauge interest in a joint Standards/Infrastructure discussion on frequency of fixity checking

Next Working Group Meeting

Tuesday April 26, 2-3pm ET


  • NDSA Working Group proposal
    • The Coordinating Committee is proposing to convert the current Working Groups into Interest Groups.
    • New working groups would arise from the Interest Groups to take on specific topics and produce deliverables for dissemination.
    • The Innovation Working Group is also currently looking for new chairs (facilitators once it becomes an Interest Group)
    • NDSA members should review the NDSA Working Group proposal and send any questions or comment to Sibyl and Nick
  • Round Robin Updates
    • Chronopolis is now providing DPN service through a collaboration with DuraCloud
    • NYPL has encountered some invalid TIFFs produced during digitization and is investigating how to conserve the files rather than reshoot the original objects
    • The Bentley Historical Library is wrapping up a Mellon-funded project to integrate Archivematica, Aspace, and Dspace http://archival-integration.blogspot.com/
  • Discussion - Lyrasis and DuraSpace intent to merge
    • It is unclear how members/users of communities/services hosted by Lyrasis and DuraSpace will be effected by a merger.
      • Nick and Carol Kussman will draft questions for Lyrasis and DuraSpace about how their potential merger will effect current users of their services. They will share these questions to the listserv for comment.
    • Participants also discussed whether a merger could negatively impact the openness of communities/services hosted by Lyrasis and DuraSpace and the role of leadership in the proposed merger.
  • Discussion - Repository Storage
    • Sibyl proposed reopening discussion on storage topics begun in 2012. There was interest from those attending and on the listserv.
    • Repository Migration
      • The working group has a document on repository migration that has been on hold during the NDSA - DLF migration. Sibyl and Nick will look at next steps with this document now that the transition is complete.
      • Nick will talk to the staff at the CUNY TV repository to schedule a presentation about their LTO-5 to LTO-7 storage migration.
    • Storage Services
      • Chris Muller offered to present on vapor trail storage.
        • Chris will contact Sibyl to schedule a presentation.
      • Participants were interested in current and new cloud storage services being offered.
      • Oracle is marketing a new tape-based cloud storage solution for preservation purposes
        • Sibyl will contact Art Pescanelli to schedule a presentation on the service
    • Fixity Practice
      • The group discussed how little information is published about the theory and practice of fixity checking frequency
      • Several members of the NDSA Standards and Practices Working Group expressed an interested to delve deeper into this topic with the Infrastructure Working Group.