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==Completed Interviews==
==Completed Interviews==

[to come]
These posts are content-related but were completed by others prior to this Activity by the CWG. They served as the inspiration for our series:

===Strategic Value of Activity===
===Strategic Value of Activity===

Revision as of 12:20, 17 January 2013

Content Interview Blog Post Series Charter

One Sentence Description

As part of the Content Working Group desire to raise awareness about the variety of content being preserved (or in need of preservation) by NDSA members, this project will develop a plan and implement a series of interviews for blog posts.

Point of Contact

To get involved in this work, contact Abbie Grotke at abgr@loc.gov

Statement of the Problem and Goals for Addressing the Problem

This team's work is expected to include hosting a set of interviews which could be shared on a blog, or through some other communications platform. The Content Interview Series is an attempt by the Content Working Group of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) to engage with individuals working on projects or in areas that preservation and discovery and access of digital materials. In this project, we are engaging in interactions over email which are then posted for the community to comment on and discuss. The goal of these conversations is to broaden awareness of the types of content being preserved, or in need of preservation, by NDSA members and others in the community, and engage new communities in conversations about digital preservation and stewardship.

Completed Interviews

These posts are content-related but were completed by others prior to this Activity by the CWG. They served as the inspiration for our series:

http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2012/05/artbase-and-the-conservation-and-exhibition-of-born-digital-art-an-interview-with-ben-fino-radin/ http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2012/08/the-born-digital-in-the-archives-one-curators-experience/ http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2012/06/web-archiving-and-mainstreaming-special-collections-the-case-of-the-latin-american-government-documents-archive/

Strategic Value of Activity

Publishing these interviews shares stories of digital content that is being preserved or in need of preservation, to highlight the types of content that NDSA members are concerned about and to bring awareness to others of the types of content, and risk involved with digital content.

Required Resources

Time of working group members


1. Individual or Content Team determines who to ask to be interviewed.
2. Interview requested and accepted.
3. Questions refined or developed for that interview -- can be done by individual or with the Content Team.
4. Questions emailed to interviewee for responses.
5. Responses edited into an interview blog post.
6. Edited interview sent to interviewee for review.
7. Final version published on blog.

Dissemination of Knowledge

The Signal Digital Preservation Blog: http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/

Signifiers of Success and Outcomes


  • The Content Working Group will discuss the work with other members and will share successes with NDSA-ALL and the coordinating committee of the NDSA.
  • The action team will also report on their work to members of the Content Working Group through periodic group phone calls.
  • Completed interviews published at www.digitalpreservation.gov

Outcomes: NDSA starts talking about and posting about the interviews. The interviews raise awareness to digital preservation and the content being preserved.

Interview Process and Materials


Text: The Content Working Group will conduct interviews over email and then share the resulting text interviews through some manner of blog or wiki where they will invite conversation from the broader community.

Proposed Interview Areas/Subjects

Interviews will ideally emerge from the Content Teams and members will be encouraged to self nominate themselves or identify others to interview.

  • Government
  • Geospatial
  • News, Media, and Journalism
  • Science, Mathematics, Technology and Medicine
  • Social Sciences
  • Cultural Heritage
    • Scheduled: National Park Service/Chris Dietrich
  • Arts & Humanities
    • Rhizome/Ben Fino-Radin (done prior to start of this charter- by Trevor Owens)

Introductory Email

Hello, [name],

We're writing to you as part of a group called the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA), convened by the Library of Congress. It is a collaborative effort among government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and businesses to preserve a distributed national digital collection for the benefit of present and future generations.

The NDSA has a specific Innovation Working Group formed to investigate innovative practice in digital preservation, and part of this working group's mandate is to reach out to companies and individuals to ask about their digital preservation practices and ideas, in the hope that this survey might inform the challenge as a whole. We'd like to present our survey findings in a report about current practice in Digital Preservation, and your voice is an important part of that.

We're writing to you today to see if you would be willing to be interviewed for a blog series which broadly explores innovation in digital preservation. If so, thank you! You can simply respond to this email and we will send you a short set of questions to respond to for the post.

We'll look forward to hearing from you! And please, feel free to get back to us with any questions about this.


For more information on the NDSA and Innovation Working Groups, please visit: http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/ndsa/ http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=Innovation_Working_Group

Guiding Questions

I had a tough time working up questions that could be general enough to work across all of the diverse fields we have discussed. While this set of questions is very general I would hope that it could serve as the basis to start a conversation which would then involve an additional set of questions that focus in on the particular relevant issues in a given context.

  • Can you briefly describe or characterize the field you are working in or the kinds of projects you work on?
  • What are the most pressing challenges or hardest problems to solve in this work?
  • What do you think is the thing about your field that most outsiders find the most interesting or useful?
  • How do people in your field communicate with each other? With people outside your area of interest?
  • Does your field deal with digital content (datasets, digital objects, text, audio, video, etc), and how?
  • What kind of implications does your project or field have for preservation, access and discovery of digital objects?
  • What do you think are the most important things we can learn from your field?
  • What do you think your field might contribute to other fields?
  • Do you think the challenges and problems in your field will be different in 5 years or 10 years? In the next generation?
  • Can you describe innovation in your field and how it happens?
  • Based on your work and field what kinds of work would you like to see the digital preservation and stewardship community take on?
  • Can you suggest other people who are doing interesting or innovative work that you think might be of interest to the digital preservation community?