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Potential Standards/Best Practices to Consider about Preservation Practices

These may or may not be relevant - recording them here so that they can be examined for relevancy

  • Standard: ISO 15801: 2009 Document management -- Information stored electronically -- Recommendations for trustworthiness and reliability
  • Standard: new French effort: BS ISO 14641-1 Electronic archiving Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation
  • Standard: ARP1-2009 AIIM Recommended Practice - Analysis, Selection, and Implementation of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)
  • Standard in development: BS ISO/IEC 27037 Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence
  • Standard: ISO 14721 (OAIS Open Archival Information System)
  • Standard: ISO/TR 18492: Long-Term Preservation of Electronic Document-Based Information
  • Standard: ISO/IEC 27001: Information Technology - Security Techniques - Information Security Management Systems - Requirements
  • Standard: ISO/IEC 27002: Information Technology - Security Techniques - Information Security Management Systems - Code of Practice for Information Security Management
  • ENTERED: Best Practice: Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification (TRAC)
  • Guidance: DPC Digital Preservation Handbook (http://www.dpconline.org/advice/preservationhandbook)
  • Guidance?: Research Libraries Group, 2002, Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities, (http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/past/rlg/trustedrep/repositories.pdf)

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